Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” “POTW” submissions tapered off a bit this week, with only 65 new photos finding their way to our submission box – but with a backlog of fantastic photos from the last three weeks that we’re still trying to sneak into our home page slideshow, there’s no shortage of oohs or ahhs. Our top spot goes to a slightly unusual photo this week. Most winners make us happy when we look at them – but this one just made us happy it wasn’t us in the cockpit! Wally Dilling of Hagerstown, Indiana didn’t offer many comments, but he did explain that “brakes don’t work so well on wet grass.” An official AVweb cap will probably be cold comfort, Wally – but we’re sending you one anyway.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


"POTW" submissions tapered off a bit this week, withonly 65 new photos finding their way to our submission box - but with abacklog of fantastic photos from the last three weeks that we're stilltrying to sneak into our home page slideshow, there's no shortage of oohs or ahhs.

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

Where Do We Go from Here?

The top spot goes to a slightly unusual photo this week. Mostwinners make us happy when we look at them - but this one just made ushappy it wasn't us in the cockpit!

Wally Dilling of Hagerstown, Indianadidn't offer many comments, but he did explain that "brakes don't workso well on wet grass."

An official AVweb cap will probably be cold comfort, Wally - butwe're sending you one anyway.

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Wally Dilling

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

American Pride

Jeff Randall of Clyde, Texas is asemi-regular contributor to "Picture of the Week," and if there's onething almost all of his photos have in common, it's this: Jeffknows how to put himself in the right place at the right time to catchfolks doing what comes naturally and make it look stunning.

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

This Is What Heaven Will Look Like for Me ...

Stoney Truett of Cayce, SouthCarolina spent some time at a small airport in North Carolina and (afterchatting with the owner) decided he'd seen the Promised Land.

If they've got barbecue (or at least hot dogs), we'll go along with you,Stoney ... .

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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Used with permission of Stoney Truett

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

Scare the S--- Out of You

Oh, all right - we couldn't resist this photo (and its caption) fromBrad Marzari. The context hereis the Swiss Air Force's Fliegerschiessen Axalp, a day-long militarydemonstration and air show. Brad points out that the F5 is firing("note the gunsmoke") at a target "7,000 feet across the draw."

Those poor suckers in the Port-o-Johns.

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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copyright Brad Marzari
Used with permission

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

Last on the Ramp at Tangier Island

David Lumgair of Craddockville, Virginia flies us out this week. Sorry to put you last on the ramp again, David, but you know what they say about "saving the best" ... .

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair

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Used with permission of David Lumgair


O.K. folks, that's all! But we're far from done - we'll have to doit all over again next week, so please: Don't forget tosend us yourphotos. They really are the best part of our week.

A quick note for submitters: If you've got severalphotos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submitthem one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeingprint on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier onus, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider thesource of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest.If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeedauthorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain,consult thePOTWRules ororsend us an e-mail.