Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” Things have quieted down on the “Picture of the Week” front over the last couple of weeks, but the competition heats up this week, with nearly 100 top-notch submissions vying for the coveted title – and the nifty baseball cap that goes along with it! This week’s top spot could’ve gone to any one of the five photos we’ll be featuring today, but when all was said and done, this incredible aerial view of NYC – from Suyapa Villalobos of Teaneck, New Jersey – barely edged out the competition. “Flying south over the Hudson River in New York City at 2,000 feet, we spotted EAA’s Aluminum Overcast flying northbound 500 feet below us,” writes Suyapa.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings.  The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week."  Want to see your photo on AVweb.com?  Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Things have quieted down on the "Picture of the Week" front over the last couple of weeks, but the competition heats up this week, with nearly 100 top-notch submissions vying for the coveted title - and the nifty baseball cap that goes along with it!

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

'Yankee Lady' Over New York City

This week's top spot could've gone to any one of the five photos we'll be featuring today, but when all was said and done, this incredible aerial view of NYC - from Suyapa Villalobos of Teaneck, New Jersey - barely edged out the competition.  "Flying south over the Hudson River in New York City at 2,000 feet, we spotted EAA's Aluminum Overcast flying northbound 500 feet below us," writes Suyapa.

Update:  Eagle-eyed AVweb reader Kevin Kearney points out that the "Aluminum Overcast" Suyapa photographed was actually the Yankee Air Museum's B-17 Yankee Lady "participating in an event at TEB on 9/15 and 9/16"!


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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos

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Used with permission of Suyapa V. Villalobos


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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

Sunrise Over Lake Winnebago

Harry Leicher of Whittier, California had his camera on hand at Oshkosh's Sea Plane Base this summer - which is good for us, because we never get to spend as much time there as we'd like during AirVenture.

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission

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copyright Harry Leicher
Used with permission


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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

JetRanger on Mount St. Helens Crater Rim

Ryan Johannes of Hillsboro, Oregon uses a tried-and-true technique to get his photo noticed - including some amazing scenery!  Thankfully, Hillsboro Aviation pilot Morgan Kozloski was available to make the trek and pose (with his 206B JetRanger).

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes

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Used with permission of Ryan D. Johannes


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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

Planes, Planes Everywhere

Got one of those nifty widescreen monitors?  Tired of complaining that you don't get as many cool wallpapers as the squares with their standard-size monitors?  Here's one just for you guys, courtesy ofVahid Jahed from Minden, Nevada.

(With a little tweaking, it looks sharp on a dual monitor setup, too!)

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission

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copyright Vahid Jahed
Used with permission


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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

Rusty Sunset

Timothy O'Connor of Batavia, Ohio flies us out with the obligatory (but nonetheless stunning) sunset pic of the week.  (That's Popular Rotorcraft Association President Rusty Nance in the pilot's seat, lending his name to the pun.)

Thanks to everyone who submitted this week.  Remember:  We'll be at NBAA next week, along with lots of you.  Look for us roaming the show in Atlanta, and if you're staying home, please feel free to pick up the slack and submit a photo or two, as our submission numbers are liable to dip during the show.  (P.S.  That means a little better shot at picking up an AVweb hat, folks!)

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor


To enter next week's contest, click here.

A quick note for submitters:  If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week!  That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too.  ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules ororsend us an e-mail.