Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
Our latest winning photo comes from Kyle Koshman of Roseville, CA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Title #3
Representing perhaps 1/3 of all operational C-46 Commandos. Shown are C-FAVO and C-GTXW of Buffalo Airways in Norman Wells, Northwest Territories (CYVQ).

Way Up High
You can see the "Three Sisters" and "Three Finger Jack" mountains in the background, and a reflection of my face in the window.
This photo was shot with my Olympus E-510 DSLR. I did use local tone mapping and color enhancement filters, but no adding or deleting or other major changes to the image.

Laundry Day in the VooDoo Camp
Saturday in the pits at the Reno Air Races, 2010.
Nikon D90.

Thumbs Up Over Chico from PT-26
I was in the back seat shooting downsun while on downwind - you can see the runway - to Ranchaero Airport, Chico, California.
No digital manipulations. Used a Canon Powershot SX130.

Flying Home
Flying back to KCUB from KMYR. GPS direct at 8,000'. A beautiful evening to fly.
No manipulations; taken with a Samsung Galaxy S cell phone (in airplane mode, of course).

The Joy and the Fear of Flying
My two-year-old twins, Bryce and Chase, flying in the back seat of my 182RG in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Last Leg
Taken on a trip that ended just after dark. Heading west from just past the Banning Pass towards good Old Cable, KCCB, in my trusty baby C172 Skyhawk.

Old Crow in Scotts Warbird Alley at AirVenture 2011
P-51D Old Crow (S/N 44-74774) painted in the colors of Colonel Clarence E. "Bud" Anderson of the 357th Fighter Group, who had 15 kills in WWII.
Nikon D90. Cropped for composition.

Stout Metal Airplane Company
I don't recall if I sent this one in before, but the tri-motor pic this week reminded me of one (of several) I have when it was at KCPS last September hosted by EAA chapter 64, which I belong to.

Spitfire Pass
Mike Potter of Vintage Wings of Canada doing a low-level pass in Windsor, Ontario.
Just cropped.

Stopping at Lake Powell
Flying home from California to Denver, I landed at Page, Arizona to wait out weather ahead of us. I tied down my Bonanza for the evening when the sun descended below the cloud deck, providing great illumination of my plane and the beautiful Lake Powell background. The weather moved out by next morning, and we flew home under a clear blue sky that is fine for flying but not so much for photography.
Camera: Nikon D3 with 28-120mm Nikon zoom lens.
The picture was cropped for visual effect and reduced in resolution for upload.

Heartland Afternoon
Eastbound 50nm northwest of KMEM in 7ECA. Late afternoon.
Pentax K200D+DA 18-55WR. B&W conversion in Nik SE2.

You Cannot See Me Smile!
Self-portrait while flying north of Fairbanks. You cannot see me smiling, but I was ear to ear with this view.
No edits, crops, or manipulations. Taken with my Panasonic ZS-7.

Title #21
Location: Cypress Creek Airpark (6AR0), Austin, Arkansas (near Little Rock).
Camera: Nikon D5100
Lens: AF-5 Nikkor 55-300mm 1.4-5.6G ED
Retouching: None
File resize: Yes

In Motion
The beautiful Cessna T182T, photographed at KAPA.
Used the EOS 60D with a Canon 70-300. Opened in Photoshop to remove the N number and a slight saturation increase.