Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Brian J. Leach of Sussex, WI. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions. And keep your eyes peeled for an all-vintage edition of “POTW” soon; we’ve gotten some amazing photos in response to our recent request and look forward to sharing them!

EAA F-16 Off Runway
This is from a series of photos taken with a Nikon D300 at the 2011 EAA fly-in.
Ed. Note: We've added Brian's other photos to our brief on the incident from last year's AirVenture coverage. Click here to view them.

Flying with Jack Frost
Taken from our back yard on a frosty February day in 2012.
Taken with an Olympus SP-550uz; no manipulations.

B-17 Nine-O-Nine Up Close and Personal
This photo was taken on a flight from Roseburg, Oregon to Corvallis, Oregon in June of 1999.
Taken with a Nikon N90 and a 35-70mm lens. No cropping was done.

Fairey Swordfish (Stringbag)
This is the type that sank the Bismarck in WWII. Taken at Bob Spence Air Field in Ontario, Canada.

N87711 Head-On in Flight
Steven Oxman at the controls of his Beech 18 over Tullahoma, Tennessee during the Beech Party.
Image is as was taken; no manipulations.

"Look Up!"
Taken at the Wendover (Utah) Air Show.
Taken with a Nikon D80. Cropped, level-adjusted, and sharpened in Photoshop.

Fueling at Tucson
While waiting for the fuel truck at Tucson International Airport, the timing worked out perfect for this shot.
I used my Samsung Exhibit cell phone camera.

"I'll Take Mine 'On the Rocks'"
Taken February 19, 2012 at B18 at the Alton Bay Ice Runway Fly-In & Winter Festival, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire. I counted 22 airplanes on the ice at one time.
Kodak DX4530; no manipulations.

What Was It Archimedes Said about the Lever ... ?
My youngest son Benjamin attempting to pick up a tow bar attached to a Pacific Aerospace P-750 XSTOL. Taken at Texas State Technical College in Waco, Texas.
I snapped this with my iPhone 4S and did some minor editing in Photoshop's mobile app. Thanks!
Denton Finley,
Chief Flight Instructor, TSTC

New Standard and the Champ
My 7AC Leah Marie in front of a rare New Standard D-25.

Chasing the Sunset
Flying formation with another T-38 over Colorado in October 1972.
Pentax K1000 using Kodachrome 64 film.
(1972 is about as vintage as I can get with film I've exposed.)
Ed. Note: ... and we slipped it in with the "non-vintage" pics, as we did a couple of others, since had an abundance of riches the last two weeks!

My WWII War Hero
This picture was taken at the Nampa, Idaho airport when the B-17 Sentimental Journey was there. It is a picture of my dad, who will soon be 95. He was a tail gunner on a B-17 flying 30-plus missions and having to bail out on one of them.

Percival Proctor
Taken at Great Oakley Air Field, U.K. Four Proctors under restoration.

Pitts Model 12 Take-Off
Southern hemisphere air show season is in full swing. Richard Hood gathers speed after take-off for a spirited aerobatic display at the Tauranga City (New Zealand) Air Show in John Eaton's Pitts Model 12, which has just been judged Grand Champion at the SAANZ SportAvex. It's not just a pretty face, you know!

January in Texas
Taken near Waco, heading FTW on January 10, 2012.
Resized and sharpness enhanced in Sony PMB.
Camera: Sony a55.

1946 J3 Cub
Stan Gatewood in his 1946 J3 Cub over Mohave Valley, Arizona. Photo by George Hewitt from Steve Weston's Zenith 601XL.

Downtown Toronto on a Late Afternoon Flight
Shot this on a late afternoon flight from the left seat of a C-172. Great sightseeing and a lot of fun, going through three control zones in 30 minutes! Maps and checklists in the front window. (Where else are they supposed to go?)
Shot with my Panasonic Z7S.

Wheels Up!
Military Aviation Museum P-51D Double Trouble Two taking off from Virginia Beach Airport during Febuary 18, 2012 demonstration.
Sony A200 with filtered 4.5-5.6/75-300 zoom lens.

No Wonder They Call This Monument Valley
Beginning my approach into Monument Valley. I was really quite overwhelmed by the majesty of these natural monuments. Beautiful from the ground but really needs to be seen from the air.

Dreams of Flying
My photo of this beautifully polished Spartan Executive was taken at a NW/EAA Arlington (Washington) Fly-In back in the late '90s with a Minolta "Freedom III" point-'n'-shoot 35mm film camera. The airplane owner kindly allowed me to place my camera - with a tee shirt cushion under it - on the wing of the plane, after which I simply snapped the photo.
I recently digitally altered the scanned photo to resemble a blueprint, and it gives a nice dreamy quality to the photo. Happy flying...and dreams of flying!

1944 AT-19 Reliant
Stinson built 500 for the British Royal Navy. The survivors of WWII were returned under the terms of Lend-Lease. Vultee converted them into V77s.

Poultry Pitot Cover
Taken at Sun n' Fun.
Pentax Optio 33L. No digital manipulation; cropped for detail.