Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Dave Leedom of Escondido, CA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Santa Borrows Matt Hlavac's Breezy for an Appearance at Pine Tree Acres in Ramona
Cropped in Photoshop. Shot from RNM with Nicon and telephoto lens.

Chuck Aaron and the Red Bull Helicopter
If you have not seen Chuck's aerobatic helicopter routine, then you have missed one of the greatest acts in the air show business.

Scenic Approach
Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa.
Nikon D5000 Nikkor 10-24 lens. Resized only.

Concorde - With Friends
Air France Concorde on display at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Washington, DC. No mods to photo.

Sunset - C-130 Low Pass
Just after sunset of an early December evening, while an inbound from Europe passes overhead at KMGJ (Orange County Airport, Montgomery, NY) enroute KEWR, a C-130 based at neighboring KSWF shoots a low approach before heading back home.
December 2011. Minimal cropping and trace adjustment of exposure in Photoshop.

The Hawk and the Mustang
A hawk soars over a P-51D Mustang (S/N 44-72989) on display at the front gate of Volk Field Air National Guard Base (ANGB), Camp Douglas, Wisconsin.
Nikon D90. Cropped for composition.

Caution: Low-Flying Stearman!
Taken at Stearman Field, Benton, Kansas on November 13, 2011.
Panasonic FZ18 Lumix. Cropped only.

Sunset Over Santa Monica
Taken with a Canon T2i, departing SMO southeast-bound via special flight rules over LAX.
Reduced file size for submission.

Late AFternoon on Montricher Air Field
While the sun is going down behind our Super Dimona, a light autumnal mist is coming out from the ground.
Image taken with a Pentax Optio P80 camera at 1/1000sec, F 7.0, focal length 5mm. Just resizing of the original file under 1 MB.

Hotseat 3-D Racer GTX
Awesome 3-D Racer GTX by Hotseat Chassis, Inc. that I saw at GForce. Check it out at HotSeatSim.com.

Shined Up and Ready to Fly
Shot at Van Sant Airport near Erwinna, Pennsylvania on a September afternoon.
I just cropped it. Used an Olympus digital SLR.

Missing Man
Mike Kennedy in BT-13 Valiant executing "Missing Man" pull-up on September 10, 2011 in a 9/11 tribute. Flown during Union City (Tennessee) Airfest 2011.
Camera: Nikon CoolPix P100
Digital Manipulations: Cropped, Corel PaintShop Photo Color/Contrast Autofix

Perfect Day for a Joy Ride in a Mustang
A beautiful plane on a beautiful day.
Enhanced with Adobe Lightroom 2.

A Moment's Respite Between Missions
Taken while Tora! Tora! Tora! was resting between air shows. KBJC, Broomfield, Colorado. August of 2011.

Read the Fine Print!
(From the Business End of an A-10)
Taken with an HP M425 and cropped for effect.
Ed. Note: Needless to say, you need to click through and view the full-size version of this one.