Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Jason Robinson of Vancouver, WA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Alaskan Firefighters
IPhone 3G. No manipulations. Alaska Fire Service Airtanker Base at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska.

Fairchild Formation
We did a formation flight in our Fairchild 24 with a friend in his Fairchild. My son Skyler snapped this photo of the other F-24 and the photo plane.

Susie Beaching Mermaid M6
Ed. Note: Rick asked a good question that we haven't encountered in a while: "Why all of the required info [on the photo submission form]?" The main reason is so we can ship out an AVweb ball cap to each week's "POTW" photographer - though it does occasionally come in handy to have submitters' e-mail addresses if we need to contact them with questions.

Lake and Loons on the Lake
Parked the Lake on Lake Ada in Northern Minnesota. The loon family came by for a visit.

Nice Frame
Looking out the window of the world's only flying B-24 [the Collings Foundation's Betty Jane]. Enhanced with Adobe Lightroom 2.

Family Fun and Flight Day at Medicine Hat, Alberta. Not edited. Canon Powershot SX100IS.

Round Up the Wild Horses
Up on a high meadow in Nevada, I found these wild horses. Cannon G11. No manipulations.

The End of a Long Day
Sunset over southwest Germany from an SF-25, taken around 21:30 on one of the longest days of the year. Photographed by my passenger with a SeaLife digital camera.

Grimes Flyer
Best picture of [a] flying DR1 I've seen. Taken by my friend Mark Bolgar at this month's fly-in at Grimes during its first flight of [a] newly constructed DR1.

Blue Skies for Boeing
This picture was taken shortly after the Dreamliner arrived. We, the lady pilots, were waiting to take our annual group picture, and I thought that this was an interesting shot. Several others saw what I was doing and started taking the same picture. And no, it is just off my Cannon D10 - no Photoshop. OSH, Friday, July 29 at 10:25 AM, while waiting for the photoshoot.

The Advantages of Airplane Ownership
That's right. While others are enjoying the afternoon flying, you can spend it washing the airplane! Taken with an iPhone; no manipulations. It really was a nice day to be in the wash pit - and it followed 4.9 hours of flying, so it wasn't all bad!

FiFi !
I took this photo from the South 40 campground at OSH. Camera was Sony A330 DSLR with 55-200 zoom lens. I especially like the smoke in the photo and the P-38 in the background!

Burt Rutan's Boomerang Taxiing at OSH
Color balance and exposure adjusted in Photoshop. Nikon D7000. Shot during EAA AirVenture 2011.

Landing at Sayward, British Columbia
The village of Sayward is only accessible by sea, air, or rugged gravel road. This seaplane emerged from the mist over the Johnstone Strait and showed the quickest way to get there! Taken from a whale-watching boat. Unmodified. Nikon L100 Coolpix, 10MP.