Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Michael F. Young of McLean, VA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Rescued Puppies
Puppies rescued from a high kill shelter in North Carolina on their way to Wings Field in northwest Philly area in a Columbia 400 (N2522F) where they will find forever homes. They were transported on Easter Sunday, 24 April 2011, under the Pilots N Paws rescue program. Of note is that one of the puppies never made it to Philly. The one with the black snout and red collar was taken home by the pilot. "Biff" joined the other rescue dog that the pilot had kidnapped back in September 2010. The picture was taken with a plain Nikon Coolpix digital camera.

Veteran Instructs the New Generation
Jim Wheeler, veteran WACO pilot, talks to the CAP kids next to his Custom Cabin WACO at the 52nd Annual WACO Reunion at Wynkoop Airport at Mt. Vernon, Ohio in June of this year.

Audre's Airplane
The world's only Flying B-24 Liberator stops at Boeing Field in Seattle with the Collings Foundation's Wings of Freedom Tour. Enhanced in Adobe Lightroom 2.

PT-19 in All Its Beauty
Mike and Penny Kelly in their PT-19 on our way to Angola, Indiana for a fly-in July 9, 2011. Taken with my trusty Nikon D300 from Jim Martin's trusty PT-19. Another great day flying!

Old-Time Cub
I took this night photo of the Cub next to a barn at the 2011 Arlington (Washington) Fly-In. I used my Nikon D40X camera.

En Route to Carlsbad
Flight on May 26, 2011 from Tucson to Carlsbad, early evening. Part of a trip from Frederick, Maryland to Phoenix, Arizona.

Why I Fly Helos
Waiting for a customer high in the mountains of Southern California. No manipulations except reducing to under 1 MB. Nikon Coolpix.

The Baron and Balloon
Waiting to load up for a trip to Illinois from Colorado, Keith Griffith (owner, operator) was getting the plane ready when the burner from the balloon startled us. Picture taken with an Epic camera phone. (Left my Nikon at home, oops.) Picture has no editing, the sun was just shining bright that morning. Resized for submitting.

Alaska 737 Descending Toward KSEA - July 10, 2011
The sun was in just the correct position. Of the multiple versions, this shows the ground below, adding a layer, and context. commonly these shots show only cloud and the shadow, with spectral rainbow, this is somewhat more complex and thus interesting. min cropping, minimal windows and levels manipulation in Photoshop. Canon G10, through the window of the AK 737-400.

Lancair at Flabob
Lancair ES owned by Curt Cannon at Flabob. Twenty minutes prior to this photo, the barely visible cross on the mountain in the background absolutely filled the windshield. If you have landed at Flabob, you know what I mean.

Pilot-Friendly Neighborhood
Taken over Brookings, South Dakota with my brother's cell phone.

1952 C-170
Family Fun and Flight Day in Medicine Hat, Alberta. Canon PowerShot SX100 IS.

Following a Friend
Following my buddy back home over Frenchman's Res. Cannon G11; no manipulations.