Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Larry F. Baum of Ithaca, NY. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Summer Solstice 2011 on Lake Hood (AK)
DeHavilland Beaver on the summer solstice, June 21, 2011, on Lake Hood, Alaska. The time of the picture is 22:45 AKT.
Ed. Note: Beavers are in the eye of the beholder. We got quite a few notes about this photo and dutifully answered that the Beaver referenced in the photo isn't the C-195 on floats in the foreground - it's the aircraft passing overhead. When we eventually spoke with Larry, he admitted catching a bit of razzing in e-mail himself and wrote back: "It is, of course, a Cessna 195 on floats - [but] there happens to be a Beaver in the slip next to that plane on Lake Hood! Go figure!" (And that's what we call a happy coincidence.)

Just Hanging Around
Shot over Ocean City, Maryland. Taken with a GoPro HD Hero. Mounted in my Nanchang CJ-6A.

Need Pictures?
SR-71A (serial number 17980) taking off at RAF Mildenhall, U.K. in June 1983. It made my bones rattle. Cropped, reduced size, and removed scratches and spots. Taken with an old manual 35mm camera. Lucky shot - it was moving!

Guiding the Waco
Nikon 5100 photo of "Follow Me" vehicle guiding the WACO to the parking area at the 52nd Annual WACO Reunion at Wynkoop Airport at Mt. Verneo, Ohio.

Eary Morning at the EAA Seaplane Base
EAA Seaplane Base at Willow Harbor on Lake Winnebago just after sunrise at AirVenture 2010.

In Training
Little helper directing in a chopper at Flushing Dalton (3DA) for EAA Dawn Patrol. Slight cropping and brightened a little.

B-52 Memorial Fly-Over
Fly-over in memory of Staff Sgt. Marvin J. Steinford, a WWII veteran whose remains were brought home to Cedar Rapids in June. Read the full story here.
Photo resized and slightly cropped to make smaller file size.

Welcome Home
Still captured from a ContourHD video. Cropped and color-balanced. Shot at Beausejour Av-Ranch, Manitoba (Canada).

Old Friends
1928 Model A Ford with a 1929 design Pietenpol at Dunn Airpark, Titusville, Florida.

High-Speed Capture
Don't push the panic button! Our tow plane on the way to land at Montricher Air Field does not suffer any mechanical problem. The propeller seems stopped, but this is only due to the high-speed shutter! Photo taken with a Pentax K10D camera at 1/3000 sec, F 9.5, focal length 93 mm. The original file was just slightly cropped.

Piaggio P-180
Taken June 23 at the Greater Cumberland Regional Airport 2011. Canon EOS20D.

Sweet Lady P-51
Oshkosh, July 29, 2010. Resized to 1 MB; Canon 5D MkII; zoom 28mm; f4.5; 1/40 sec. ISO 100.

My friend Jim Wells upgraded the avionics in his Baron some years ago. He sent me this photo of what was removed, prior to installing the new components. "We gained 90 lbs. of useful load and moved the CG aft a full inch," he said. "The weight of the radios we put back in was the same as the weight of the wire we removed."

Electra-fied Skies
Taken at Sun 'n Fun 2011 - Lockheed Electra Junior NC2072. Manipulated in Adobe Lightroom with the following: Increased color saturation and used vignetting to fade in around the picture. Canon 5D Mk I with Sigma 24-70mm 2.8 lens.

Fleet 16B
The magic of flying in an open-cockpit Fleet 16B just before sunset. Photo taken near Barber Airport in Alliance, Ohio from my 1946 Aeronca 11AC Chief using a Nikon D2X with a 70-200m lens.

Boeing 747-800: Boeing's Largest Plane!
Boeing 747-800 lands at RFD. Cropped and increased saturation. Sony A200. Taken at Chicago Rockford International Airport at Rockford, Illinois. One of only 16 (currently) airports the new 747-800 is able to land at.

Ghosts in the Fog
History Flight came to my home field of KHWV for the week. That day was gray and foggy, so the planes were wrapped up tightly. I especially liked the ghostly appearance of the dark planes against the gray fog. This photo was taken with a Sony Cybershot with no post-editing.