Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Kris Larson of Fullerton, CA and is for dads everywhere. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Daddy and His Co-Pilot
In case you have a Father's Day theme next week. Just an unedited iPhone picture taken by Mommy.

This prop obviously took a beating during a gear-up landing here in Burlington, but the rest of the plane looked pretty good. It was trucked off for repair, and I assume it is flying again. No manipulation of photo.

Flying over Exuma on the GGC Caribbean Air Challenge/International Air Rally 2010
The Governor General's Cup Caribbean Air challenge is an event taking place every year across five Caribbean countries hosted by local governments of visited destinations. (See AirRally.com for more information.) The photo has been cleaned up with Photoshop.

Taken with Nikon N75 35mm camera. Scanned for digital file. No manipulations.

Yes, It Really Does Fly - And Fast, Too!
BD Technologies of Siletz, Oregon test flew an improved version of their BD-5 Microjet last January at Corvallis Airport (KCVO). Photo taken after the successful flight with a Panasonic Lumex DMC-FS7. The photo was cropped and its resolution reduced for AVweb submission.

A Shaka Sign
The pinky and thumb (Shaka) salute is the symbol of aloha in Hawaii. Photo taken at the Big Islands of Hawaii's Inaugural Kona Air Show as an F-16 pilot taxis down the runway. Canon 5D 100-400 lens. Cropped & cleaned in Photoshop.

Pull Up!!
Last summer in Mar del Plata, Argentina, I caught this 182 picking up a banner to be flown on the nearby beaches. Camera was a Nikon D3000 with a Sigma 18-200 zoom; only some minor color tweaking has been done.

On the River Again
A perfect fall day to do some river bar landings and cub driving!

Alaska Summer Flying
My friend Eric and I flew this Cessna 150 to a cabin in the Matanuska Valley on a perfect day.

Grandson on First Flight
Shot in my Grumman Tiger while in flight from Jackson, Michigan to Kalamazoo. Canon EOS Rebel XSi.

Werner's 172, Mt. Rainier (KPUL)
The first sunny spring day in western Washington. Canon T2i, 18-135 F3.5. Cropped, resized, slight color correction.

Departing Cub
A beautiful Piper Cub owned by Harry van Soestbergen departing the 2011 fly-in at the Calaveras County Airport (California). Camera is a Nikon D80, 70-200 lens.

Giant Clover
Giant Clover in a public park in downtown Geneva. Departure of hot air balloons at dawn during the Fifth Geneva International "Montgolfiades," April 2011. Photo made with a Pentax Optio P80 camera at 1/400 sec, F 4.1, focal length 12 mm. The original file was slightly cropped and reduced to under 1 MB.

Last Flight to Wirkkala Field
Shot in front of an older hangar at Wirkkala Field (WA01) in Naselle, Washington. Last flight into the field as it is now closed with houses planted on top [of the field]. Nikon Coolpix camera; no modifications.

Water Balloon
Early-morning balloon flights are popular at Lake Tahoe. They launch from shore and recover in the lake.

Old Friends
Cropped picture to eliminate pavement in the foreground. Shot with Olympus D560 Taken at X21 Dunn Airpark, Titusville, Florida.

Slicing the Sky
A Bell 407 is seen against a ragged cloudscape over St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada on June 1, 2011. Photo shot with a Nikon D2HS, Nikon 18-105 lens. No manipulation other than slight darkening in Photoshop for effect.

TWA DC-2 - Port Engine
TWA DC-2 at AirVenture 2010. The Museum of Flight in Seattle owns the airplane - one of two remaining flyable DC-2s in the world.