Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
Our latest winning photo comes from Richard Depinay of Keller, TX. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

What's with the Prop?
Not a single manipulation - other than whatever the iPhone processing did to insert the cool prop effect. Taken over Gulf Islands en route to Vancouver on Central Mountain Air.
Ed. Note: What causes that aliasing effect, anyway? See here.

Fly-In Fun!
This photo was taken at the Mendota (Illinois) Fly-In Breakfast 2009 at Grandpa's Farm Airport.

Fly-by before landing Great Lakes biplane after some aerobatic instruction.
Taken with Cannon T3i, 18-55mm lens.

Moonrise Maule
This was shot just after sunset after a beautiful day of flying east of Lake Tahoe.
Nikon D40X with minor Lightroom clean-up.

"Hey, Bob!" from 36,000
Your photo of the Tempe dust storm [seen here] reminded me I had this on my iPhone.

Fall Colors in New Yorks' Finger Lakes Region
No manipulations other than contrast and haze elimination. (Yes, I did capture the wingtip strobe flash - it was not added later.)
Nikon D700, Nikkor 70-300mm lens.

Sand Patterns - Cape Code, Massachusetts
This is an original photo taken by me en route to an actual CAP mission off Cape Cod, Massachusetts in the Atlantic.
Picture shows turbidity and sand movement. Taken at approximately 2,000 MSL.
There has been no manipulation of the photo. Taken with a Minolta x-500.

Open Cockpit - Real Flying
1929 Stearman Model 4E at the 2012 Beech Party (at KTHA).
Shot with Canon 7D, Canon 100mm-400mmL series zoom lens.

First Flight
My baby sister on her first flight with me in the 152.
Shot with GoPro Hero3.