Picture of the Week: Vintage Photo Showcase
A couple of weeks back, we asked readers to send us some of their vintage airplane photos (from before the digital camera era) – and you guys came through with some terrific shots, including this one from Edd Weninger of Overgaard, AZ. Some of these have great stories behind them, and some come with a few unanswered questions. In any case, we expect you’ll enjoy these photos as much as we did. Maybe you’ll even be happy to hear that we squirreled away a couple of pics to sneak into upcoming regular installments of “POTW.” Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

A couple of weeks back, we asked readers to send us some of their vintage airplane photos (from before the digital camera era) - and you guys came through with some terrific shots. Some of these have great stories behind them and some come with a few unanswered questions. (Freel free to shoot us an e-mail if you know the answers to any of the questions our submitters have asked.)
In any case, we expect you'll enjoy these photos as much as we did. Maybe you'll even be happy to hear that we squirreled away a couple of pics to sneak into upcoming regular installments of "POTW."

Corsairs to the Desert
My dad leading his squadron of Corsairs to retirement at Davis-Monthan.
Scanned from my dad's stuff, reduced to 96dpi.

The Discovery
KGAI, 1970 Leica IIIc, Kodachrome 64. My sister and I behind our flight instructor grandfather in his brand-new C-172.

Somewhere in the Pacific
This photo is one of about 24 that were contained on a roll of 35mm negitives that was left to me by my father. They were taken in 1944 or 1945 while he served on the USS Roi, CVE 105. (One, of a full flight deck, was previously submitted.) This photo is my father on the flight deck next to, I believe, a Curtis SB2C Helldiver, with another CVE in the background. The Roi was serving as a replacement carrier for the main "fast carriers" in the fleet. The Roi would send replacement aircraft and crews to the carriers on the front lines.

Low Approach
American Airlines 727 pilot training at GSW in March 1965. That's Highway 183 at the bottom of the photo.
Old photo orange tint digitally removed. Taken with a borrowed 35mm camera.

Old Timers
Carl G. Jordan (l.) and Stephen Darius (r.) in front of their jointly-owned Pheasant H-10 in 1928. Darius was killed in a plane crash in Germany in 1935 while attempting a non-stop flight from New York to Vilnius, Lithuania.

Fokker F.VIIb/3a
Fokker Trimotor VH-ULM in Hamilton, New Zealand in 1932. Photo taken by my mother (then aged 15) after going for a ten-minute flight with Charles Kingsford-Smith. Kingsford-Smith flew this aircraft from England to Australia, then to New Zealand in 1928. He flew it to NZ again in 1932. The aircraft was known as the Southern Cross.

65 Years Ago ...
My Dad, Chet Hockensmith, in 1947 with his C-120. Liberal, Kansas.

I took this in August of 1941, 71 years ago, at the Toronto Exhibition. The Hurricane was on display, and we were free to even climb in the cockpit.

Grandpa's Taylorcraft, Cumberland, Wisconsin (Circa 1940s)
George "Burt" Warner with his Army surplus Taylorcraft, NC47391. Interested to know if it's still around.
Scanned photo; no manipulations.

Catching a Breeze
Taking a visitor for a ride in my PT22 at 1H6 Tulsa (Harvey Young Airport) around 1967.

P-51 Damn Yankee at Oshkosh, 1986
Picture scanned from a 4x6 print taken in 1986 at Oshkosh Air Show.
Shot with a Minolta XG1 35mm camera.

Flying Circus
I believe the lady pictured is none other than the famous aerialist Mickey King, who lived nearby in Bloomington, Illinois.
Ed. Note: Rick sent us another incredible poster that we're saving for a rainy day. Watch for it in a future edition!

1946 J3 Cub - Photo from 1952 in Youngstown, Ohio
My family has owned this Cub, N2180M, since 1961. This old photo was found in Texas in an antique store. If anyone knows anything about it, I'd be very interested.

The Flight Crew Circa 1954
Black & white print scanned and cropped. Taken at LaGuardia Airport, 1954.
Yashica-Mat 3.5.

EA-1A Skyraider Landing on USS Intrepid
This photo was scanned from a 35mm color slide. I took this photo in 1968 in Viet Nam on board the Intrepid. The Skyraider was one from my squadron, VAQ-33.