Picture of the Week … Will Return on Monday

What, no “Picture of the Week” today?! We’re afraid that it’s true – technical difficulties made it impossible to sort through this week’s photos by press time. But don’t despair. We’ve got plenty of awesome reader-submitted photos in the queue, and we’ll be running them in a special edition of “POTW” on Monday. In the meantime, don’t forget to keep sending your photos, as we’ve already closed out the submission box for this week and started a fresh one for next Thursday. (Just because we’re a few hours late, that doesn’t mean you get the week off – not if you want to have a double dose of “POTW”!)

What, no "Picture of the Week" today?!

We're afraid that it's true - technical difficulties made it impossible to sort through this week's photos by press time. But don't despair. We've got plenty of awesome reader-submitted photos in the queue, and we'll be running them in a special edition of "POTW" on Monday. In the meantime, don't forget to keep sending your photos, as we've already closed out the submission box for this week and started a fresh one for next Thursday. (Just because we're a few hours late, that doesn't mean you get the week off - not if you want to have a double dose of "POTW"!)