Picture of the Week Will Return …

We know we teased a new installment of “Picture of the Week” for today, but the barrage of news and preparations for the AOPA Summit have us stretched a little thin this weekend. Thanks for bearing with us as the rest of the world distracts us from our favorite pasttime, and rest assured that “POTW” will indeed return and that we’ll catch up on all the great submissions without missing any photos. (We’ll be scheming on a way to manage that part during the Summit.)

We know we teased a new installment of "Picture of the Week" for today, but the barrage of news and preparations for the AOPA Summit have us stretched a little thin this weekend. Thanks for bearing with us as the rest of the world distracts us from our favorite pasttime, and rest assured that "POTW" will indeed return and that we'll catch up on all the great submissions without missing any photos. (We'll be scheming on a way to manage that part during the Summit.)