We Want to See Your Vintage Photos
Hearty thanks to everyone who saw our editor’s footnote in a recent installment of “Picture of the Week” noting that we haven’t seen many vintage submissions lately – and made time to send us some! We don’t have many (just a handful), but we’ve spent the last couple of weeks squirreling them away, hoping we’ll get enough to photos from the days before digital cameras to do an “all-vintage” installment. If you’ve got some classic photos lying around you’d love to scan and share with a 100,000 or so of your closest friends in aviation, please – submit them here. (As always, you’ll have to be a registered AVweb user to upload photos.)

Hearty thanks to everyone who saw our editor's footnote in a recent installment of "Picture of the Week" noting that we haven't seen many vintage submissions lately - and made time to send us some! We don't have many (just a handful), but we've spent the last couple of weeks squirreling them away, hoping we'll get enough to photos from the days before digital cameras to do an "all-vintage" installment. If you've got some classic photos lying around you'd love to scan and share with a 100,000 or so of your closest friends in aviation, please - submit them here. (As always, you'll have to be a registered AVweb user to upload photos.)
Thanks for reading! Click here for this week's photos.

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