2018 Sustainable Aviation Symposium

The Sustainable Aviation Foundation will hold its Third Annual Symposium at the Pullman Hotel in SFO, May 11 and 12.

For Immediate Release: Sustainable Aviation Foundation April 2, 2018

Electric Triplanes, Personal Sky Taxis, and Urban Mobility beyond Belief The Third Annual Sustainable Aviation Symposium again promises to be the premier gateway to innovation, mind-expanding discussions, and a glimpse into the future that this gathering will help make possible. Reserve your spot today to be on the leading edge of that future. VTOLs, ESTOLs and the Future of Sky Transit, May 11 and 12 in the beautiful Grand Ballroom of the Pullman Hotel San Francisco Bay in Redwood City, will go beyond the technical to the truly world-changing. We're going to explore some big issues: "How can we make electric aviation broadly accessible and of meaningful scale, in terms of climate change, renewable energy, urban communities, and global markets?" "How can aviation make human life better? Join us to answer these and other questions. SAS have a faculty of visionary speakers, from an urban planner who manages to live in Los Angeles without a car, to a Scottish designer bringing back triplanes - with hybrid electric power. A Dazzling Array of Speakers and Discussions Speakers on the X-57 and other NASA projects will discuss innovations with heavy implications for future flight. The Faradair triplane from Scotland will herald a return to small regional airliners. Tyler MacCready will head a panel on autonomous technology and safe transit for everything from commuter pods to pizza delivery. What is a polite, autonomous aircraft and should it be entrusted with "sovereignty," for instance? Richard Wang, co-founder and CEO of Cuberg, will show us the future of safe high energy storage with batteries even Boeing is backing for its Zunum project. We'll explore eFlight and aeronautics, sky transit initiatives, exotic batteries, fuel cells and motors, ultra-quiet propellers, and urban planning for on-demand aviation, among myriad other topics. Be prepared to explore a dazzling array of new information. Early Bird Registration Be sure to register for SAS 2018 by April 2, 2018 to take advantage of the discounted rate of $499 for the Symposium, breakfasts and Friday lunch included. Friday evening theme dinners are $99, and will include entry to one of three themed programs: Energy, Aeronautics, or Motors. The Pullman has special rates for Symposium attendees during the event. Please call (650) 598-9000 and mention "Sustainable Aviation Foundation" to book at a discounted rate. Register here. Be sure to attend this best-ever Sustainable Aviation Symposium, taking electric aviation to the next level. Contact: Dr. Brien A. Seeley, President brienseeley@gmail.com tel: +1 707-544-0141