Alaska Airlines Donates iPads to Air Serv
Alaska Airlines has donated ten iPads to not-for-profit humanitarian organization, Air Serv International. The iPads will be used as electronic flight bags for operations in East Africa.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 5, 2016Contact: Dave Carlstrom +1 (540) 514-2118 dcarlstrom@airserv.orgAlaska Airlines Donates iPads to Air ServWarrenton, Virginia. Alaska Airlines has donated ten iPads to Air Serv International for the organization's flight operations in East Africa.Air Serv pilots will use the iPads as electronic flight bags, including flight planning software as well as an innovative, Air Serv-developed database of remote East African airstrip charts ("Jungle Jepps") with real time information on current conditions and security threats. Upon completion of beta testing, Air Serv will make the database and software available without charge to other East African air services. "Through its gift of Apple hardware, Alaska Airlines is playing a critical role in enhancing flight safety in East Africa," said Troy Conrey, Managing Director of Air Serv's Ugandan operations."Alaska Airlines believes in the great work being done by Air Serv and is proud to support a fellow aviation organization with such a strong sense of purpose," said Joe Sprague, Alaska's Senior Vice President, Communications and External Relations.With a fleet of six Cessna Caravans, Air Serv specializes in "last mile" air transportation in support of East African humanitarian programs. Air Serv also provides commercial air charter, facility, and aircraft maintenance services. See also