All-Party Group Announces Ambitions for 2019

The All-Party Group on General Aviation (APPG-GA) has set out its vision for what it wants to achieve during 2019 in the form of five updated Work Programmes. The programmes, one for each Working Group of the APPG, set out policy ambitions for the year ahead and how they intend to achieve them.

Chair of the APPG-GA, Grant Shapps MP launched the updated programmes at a press meeting in Westminster. He said "we feel it is important that our work is as open and transparent as possible. That is why we are publishing a programme of work for each sub-group, so the public and the Government are crystal clear on what we want achieved for General Aviation".

The APPG-GA is a group of 203 MPs and Lords who champion the value of General Aviation to the UK, both economically and culturally. The five Working Groups, comprising a mix of parliamentarians and subject experts, each specialise in a particular area of concern for GA.

Each new Work Programme has revealed policy objectives which the APPG GA will pursue during 2019. These include important issues such as campaigning for improved safeguarding of airfields, working towards greater tax relief on flight training, improving the fairness of lower airspace management, opening clearer pathways through education to aviation jobs and lobbying for realignment of the policy on military disposals to support museums and heritage organisations.

Working Groups have resolved that during 2019 they will engage effectively with Parliamentarians to ensure the interests of General Aviation are furthered by every possible means.

All updated work programmes have been posted on the APPG-GA's website.

The APPG-GA also has plans to launch a new Working Group to support the UK's manufacturing and engineering sector. Focusing on promoting more flexible regulations for new technology developments, the group will select its chair and publish its own work programme once launched.