AOA: The Brand New Aviation VOD App

Launch of AOA which is a Vod App including basics of Flying ( emergency procedures, stalls, spins, Unusual Attitudes those are the first 29 videos) and then from positive aerobatics to Free styles figures the last 150 videos or so

Patrick PARIS - 98' Aerobatic World Champion - is proud to present ACADEMY OF AEROBATICS (AOA): An iOS and Android app

AOA is a VOD platform featuring almost 200 videos ranging from basic aircraft control, to basic aerobatics, up to unlimited maneuvres including freestyle figures. The fundamentals of basic flying are also covered : emergency procedures, different stalls/spins and Unusual Attitudes.

ORIGIN OF AOA: In an area dominated by a dozen of excellent books on the subject, AOA is finally filling a gap by bringing to you a brand new video experience : The possibility to have a synchronised tridimensional view from the pilot stick and rudder inputs inside the canopy to the reaction of the aircraft as seen both from where the pilot is looking and from the ground. And this, for every single maneuver !

ABOUT THE PROJECT : This project was born from a longstanding idea to make a tool available both to beginners, advanced and unlimited pilots in their progression endeavours. The expertise conveyed to you is the culmination of decades of experience brought to you by Patrick Paris. He is a world class championship winner aerobatic pilot, who became coach and trainer of some of the best unlimited and advanced pilots in the world.

Offer yourself the whole package for less than ONE hour of flight time in an Extra 200 !

DOWNLOAD THE FREE APP NOW (including In-App purchases) : AppStore : GooglePlay :