Aspen Receives FAA Approval For Free Synthetic Vision Trial Offer

Aspen Avionics, manufacturer of the Evolution Flight Display system, announced today that it has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval to offer a free 10-inflight hour trial of Aspen’s Evolution Synthetic Vision (ESV). All new Aspen EFD1000 Pro PFD purchasers will receive the free ESV trial with their display.

Aspen Avionics, manufacturer of the Evolution Flight Display system, announced today that it has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval to offer a free 10-inflight hour trial of Aspen's Evolution Synthetic Vision (ESV). All new Aspen EFD1000 Pro PFD purchasers will receive the free ESV trial with their display. "We think once aircraft owners experience the enhanced situational awareness Aspen's Evolution synthetic vision provides they will better understand its value and will invest in the upgrade," said Mark Ferrari, vice president sales and customer support, Aspen Avionics. Priced at $2,995, ESV is an optional software upgrade to the Evolution Flight Display System and presents a real-time, computer-generated, three-dimensional view of terrain, obstacles, and traffic. The synthetic terrain rendering on the PFD simulates the view from the cockpit on a bright day, so it's especially helpful in providing enhanced situational awareness when flying during conditions of reduced visibility. ESV comes standard with an integrated terrain warning system that combines terrain and flight path marker coloring, caution and warning test, and an audio warning alert when terrain or obstacle collision is imminent. When ESV flight hours exceed 10 hours of usage, the next time the unit is powered on, the trial will self-disable. To reinstate ESV, the option must be purchased.