Aviation Explorers Launches Youth Representatives Program

Two Aviation Explorers have been selected for the first Aviation Explorers Youth Representative program.

For Immediate ReleaseFor more information contact:Mark Wiesenhahn, Sporty's Pilot ShopPhone:513.554.6691Email:mark.w@sportys.comAviation Explorers Launches Youth Representatives Program Two Aviation Explorers have been selected for the first Aviation Explorers Youth Representative program. Yoni Butbul of Skokie, Illinois, and Megan Ryan of Valley Falls, Kansas, were elected to this one-year position by their fellow Explorers who took part at the Aviation Exploration Base at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2017.Aviation Exploring is a nationwide, hands-on program open to young men and women from the 8th grade to 20 years old with in interest in learning more about careers in the field of Aviation. Young people learn about the educational requirements for a career in Aviation and receive tangible advice on steps to take to prepare for a successful aviation career.Yoni Butbul is a member of the Hebrew Honor Society and captain of his school's cross country team. With the career goal of becoming a military pilot, Yoni says, "As teens, we are the backbone of aviation as we see the industry falling behind. I plan to discuss the aviation industry with other teens to make an even stronger bond within the aviation community." He is currently working on obtaining his private pilot certificate.Megan Ryan is active in her local 4-H group where she is a state competitor for 4-H archery, a 4-H photography champion and 4-H dog project champion. In addition, Megan is a national BB gun competitor. Megan says, "The more people who know about Aviation Exploring, the more people will join, participate and learn. I look forward to helping to inspire a whole new generation to be a part of Aviation Exploring!"As Aviation Explorer Youth Representatives, Yoni and Megan will participate as voting members on the National Aviation Exploring Committee. They will report to the national committee their ideas, thoughts and feedback on how to improve the Aviation Exploring experience."We welcome Yoni and Megan to our national committee, and look forward to their input," said National Aviation Exploring Committee member and chair of the Youth Representative program, Katie Clark. "Their youthful perspective will serve us well as we continue to enhance Aviation Exploring."The National Aviation Exploring Committee is working with industry partners to provide additional aviation opportunities for the Youth Representatives. A personal tour of American Airlines facility at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport has been offered by the airline and is scheduled for early 2018.The 2018 Aviation Explorer Youth Representatives will be selected during the 2018 AirVenture at the Aviation Exploration Base.www.AviationExploring.org####