CAE Qualifies Sims For Upset Prevention And Recovery
CAE announced at the World Aviation Training Conference and Tradeshow (WATS) that it has reinforced its leadership role in pilot training and aviation safety through early adoption of industry standards to help prevent Loss of Control In Flight (LOC-I), the primary cause of aircraft fatalities worldwide.
CAE announced at the World Aviation Training Conference and Tradeshow (WATS) that it has reinforced its leadership role in pilot training and aviation safety through early adoption of industry standards to help prevent Loss of Control In Flight (LOC-I), the primary cause of aircraft fatalities worldwide. CAE announced that it has qualified the world's first simulators equipped with EASA-approved, FAA-approved and ICAO-compliant Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) instructor stations. It also announced that more than 1,200 CAE cadets and instructors as well as airline pilots have already received Upset Prevention and Recovery Training on aircraft or simulators.
Qualification of first simulators equipped with UPRT instructor stations
CAE's new Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) module has now been qualified on several devices under the EASA and FAA jurisdictions. The UPRT feature set has been developed for retrofit on existing CAE-built devices and is also part of our new standard on the CAE 7000XR Series full-flight simulator (FFS).This enhanced training capability embraces the recommendations from ICAO and the FAA. In order for the instructor to correlate the upset with the pilot's control inputs in real-time or during the debriefing, key pages are enabled via the CAE instructor station: plot of the valid flight training envelope and replica of the primary flight display. This system is tuned for both line-oriented flight training as well as maneuver training that enable the instructor to command the entry in a number of configurable upset situations. The enhanced instructor tools complement CAE's comprehensive aerodynamic models with accurate frequency spectrum dynamic buffeting which are critical to transferring the appropriate knowledge and skill during an upset event.
Leadership in delivering Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
CAE is also a leader in the implementation of UPRT including stall prevention and recovery training in its training programs that span from cadets to captains. As an integral part of CAE Oxford Aviation Academy's professional pilot licensing training programs, CAE cadets receive on-aircraft UPRT. Over 600 CAE cadets and over 100 CAE aircraft instructors have completed Aviation Performance Solutions' (APS) on-aircraft training. CAE's advanced simulators have been used by APS to train over 500 corporate pilots and five airline training departments to date.
Thought leadership in international working groups
CAE is a leader in UPRT supporting mitigation of Loss of Control in-Flight (LOC-I), the primary cause of aircraft fatalities worldwide. A number of International Working Groups, chaired or co-chaired by CAE's Chief Safety Officer, Captain Lou Nemeth, led to the publication of ICAO Doc 10011 entitled "The Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT)" in 2014. A LOC-I Collaborative was then formed of which CAE is an active member. Other members of the Collaborative include ICAO, IATA, IFALPA, FAA, EASA, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer and the ICCAIA. The objective of the LOC-I Collaborative is to address UPRT as an aviation safety priority.