Cessna Pilot Center Companion App Available For iPad

Cessna Pilot Centers’ use of the latest technology gives pilots convenient access to their online courses on an iPad even when they are offline. The CPC Companion app, a free download from the Apple App Store, allows pilots to download lessons from their courses to their iPad.

Cessna Pilot Centers' use of the latest technology gives pilots convenient access to their online courses on an iPad even when they are offline. The CPC Companion app, a free download from the Apple App Store, allows pilots to download lessons from their courses to their iPad.

The next time the pilot is online their course progress is automatically synchronized with the servers, allowing them to move seamlessly among their iPad and computer. Then when they resume their course, either offline or online, all the progress they made offline will be displayed on their menu. "The great thing about our iPad Companion app is that customers are not locked into choosing between using their iPad or a computer," commented Cessna Pilot Center Business Leader Christopher Crow. "The ability to work offline on an iPad and then sync their progress with the servers gives learning pilots the option to continue their course from anywhere, connected or not," he noted.

Pilots learning at Cessna Pilot Centers have lifetime free upgrades to their courses. "Every time a pilot connects with the servers, their course is automatically updated," said Crow. "The courses have already been upgraded to reflect the new Airman Certification Standards (ACS). Plus we've expanded the digital library. There are now more than 100 reference manuals, Cessna aircraft PIMs, and books."

The Cessna Pilot Center Sport/Private Pilot training kits now come in a custom-made flight bag from MyGoFlight. Says Crow, "The new pilot bag looks great, and has room for an iPad, headset, flashlight, and other materials. In each Sport/Private Pilot and Instrument Rating kit there is also a free one-year subscription for Garmin Pilot VFR or IFR that has a value of $129 or $149, and the Sport/Private kit also includes a 20% discount card for any MyGoFlight product."

For more information visit the Apple App Store on your iPad and search for "Cessna Companion". ? About King Schools For over 40 years, students and pilots at all levels have enjoyed King Schools ́ clear, simple and fun video courses. King Schools estimates that over 50% of the pilots flying in the U.S. today have learned with King. The company is also a leader in on-line pilot certification and avionics training for pilots of high-performance and turbine aircraft. To find out more, please visit www.KingsSchools.com or call (800)-854-1001. For worldwide (858) 541-2200.