Confessions of an Air Traffic Controller

An autobiography of adventure, humor, lack of talent, and terror by a unique aviator

Contact: Danny Mortensen10901 Kimberly Dr. Union, KY 41091agsdanny@aol.com859-384-7821Subj: New Book Release"Confessions of an Air Traffic Controller" by Danny Mortensen is now available at and Barnes and Noble ( The trailer can be viewed at is an autobiography of Adventure, Humor, Lack of Talent, and Terror by a Unique Aviator with a Forward by famed educator, speaker, and aviator, Rod Machado. 266 pages. Stand by for the movie and happy New Year!Danny is the retired president of Airline Ground Schools, survivor of the PATCO strike of 1981, and former world speed record holder in the AMSOIL Rutan Racer. Danny was an instructor for DHL Airways/ASTAR Air Cargo for 14 years until retiring in 2010. He was also a FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Examiner for 14 years and conducted over 1,000 checkrides. He retired in 2010.