Crosswind Students Qualify for Insurance Premium Credits

Crosswind Concepts, Ltd. (CC) students who complete the Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind (MDC) training session now qualify for a 5% premium credit on aviation insurance policies under Avemco’s Safety Rewards Program, CC manager Taylor Albrecht announced today.

Englewood, Colorado, August 28, 2014 -- Crosswind Concepts, Ltd. (CC) students who complete the Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind (MDC) training session now qualify for a 5% premium credit on aviation insurance policies under Avemco's Safety Rewards Program, CC manager Taylor Albrecht announced today. Avemco is one of America's most respected insurance companies specializing in property and casualty insurance for general aviation aircraft owners and pilots. Crosswind's MDC training course helps pilots develop "stick and rudder" skills that are particularly necessary during challenging crosswind-landing situations. The course includes a discussion of weather, wind, aerodynamics and decision-making, and then uses the Xwind trainer to simulate realistic flight experiences that develop the visual and coordination skills necessary for proper control of an aircraft. "Pilots of all skills and abilities have benefitted from our MDC program, from student pilots about to solo to airline captains to aerobatic champions. The Xwind trainer is an incredible tool to hone those skills," Albrecht noted. "Avemco's decision to extend a premium credit to graduates of our program is great recognition by a premier national insurance company that our efforts to enhance pilot skills and proficiency have a tangible benefit to the general aviation community," Albrecht added. In his acceptance letter, Michal J. Adams, Avemco's Vice President Underwriting, wrote, "We developed the Safety Rewards program specifically to encourage pilots to seek out annual recurrent training that is over and above the FAA minimums. We believe that pilots who participate in annual ongoing training are safer and contribute to a healthier general aviation community." "We are delighted to add Avemco to our growing list of aviation organizations that value the training we offer. This includes the FAA Safety organization, who recognizes the MDC program for credit under their WINGS safety program," said Albrecht, who is also an FAA Safety Representative. About Crosswind Concepts, Ltd. Crosswind Concepts, Ltd. (CC) is a rare aviation training facility focused on extraordinary stick-and-rudder pilot training designed to reduce loss of control in the cockpit, a factor the FAA has declared one of the leading causes of aviation accidents. Because crosswind landings were documented factors in 98 percent of all landing accidents in a single year, a key component of CC's regimen is the highly effective Redbird Xwind flight simulator that utilizes powerful motors to produce life-like roll, yaw and drift motion in a realistic runway environment, allowing pilots to develop the skills to prevail during such landings. An Xwind student gains more crosswind landing experience in a one-hour session than a typical private pilot accrues flying over a two-year period. Information on Crosswind Concepts is available online at or by calling 720.536.0543.