Derichebourg Atis aeronautique launches collaboration with Hi-Fly Marketing

Derichebourg Atis aeronautique, a leading international services provider for the aircraft industry, is pleased to announce the launch of its collaboration with Hi-Fly Marketing, the growing South African company specialising in technical services in the African aviation industry, as its commercial representative for developing its activities through the Sub-Saharan African Region.

Toulouse, 3rd July 2018 - Derichebourg Atis aeronautique has chosen Hi-Fly Marketing for their expertise and knowledge of the African market, which offers numerous perspectives of evolution regarding its demography and air traffic. This collaboration aims to bring greater value to African airlines, lessors and financial institutions by offering them after-sales support: continuous airworthiness management, customer representation & delivery assistance, technical assistance for aircraft transition & asset management, knowledge transfer... Derichebourg Atis aeronautique and Hi-Fly Marketing also share a deep sense of service relying on a long-lasting expertise and the understanding of their customers' needs, as well as a combined vision for the future of the airline industry.

ABOUT HI-FLY MARKETING Operating in Africa since 2008, Hi-Fly Marketing is a South African based aviation services firm, with a particular focus on technology systems and engineering expertise for improving operational efficiency and safety. Hi-Fly Marketing provides consultancy and services to the aviation industry, specializing in helping clients in their business development through a range of strong representations of global leaders. Our services offering has been put together with our valuable partners. We all share the same professional views and ethic in business. We encourage collective effort in the industry and believe that is the only way to move the entire industry forward to the highest level of safety standards and best practises. Our specific objectives: - Strengthen the capital base of African carriers through strategic partnership - Optimise the fleet choice, maintenance and usage - Build up IT structures adapted to local requirements and to global standard - Increase efficiency, organisation and make airlines competitive Alexandra GUILLOT | CEO | | Tel.: +27 (0)21 813 6980 Cell: +27 (0)82 5749694 / +33 (0)6 26 75 92 15 | 79 Roeland street, Cape Town, South Africa

ABOUT DERICHEBOURG ATIS AERONAUTIQUE Derichebourg Atis aeronautique, subsidiary of the French group DERICHEBOURG, is recognized as one of the leaders of the aircraft subcontracting on the international scale. Derichebourg Atis aeronautique provides a wide range of skills covering the complete aircraft life-cycle (Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical, electronic and cabin system integration, Product Quality Management, Supply Chain Consolidation and Logistics, Continuous Airworthiness Management...) aimed at major players in the aeronautical industry: manufacturers, airline companies, leasing companies or financial institutions that own aeronautical assets. For 20 years, by providing high-quality services based on an in-depth understanding of the industry and effective risk analysis and management, Derichebourg Atis aeronautique has successfully earned and retained the trust of its customers. Patrick CLAUDEL | Vice President Sales & Marketing | | Tel.: +33 (0)5 34 60 61 40 Cell: +33(0)6 25 03 29 12 | 1 bis avenue de l'Escadrille Normandie Niemen 31700 Blagnac, France

(c) DERICHEBOURG Atis aeronautique - Marketing Dpt.