EAB Option Announced for SubSonex Jet; IntroductoryPrice Extended
Sonex Aircraft, LLC is excited to announce a new purchase option for theSubSonex Personal Jet! Originally offered only as an Ultra-Quick Build Kitfor Experimental Exhibition certification, customers will now have theoption to choose between the original Exhibition kit, or a new Quick BuildKit option that is in compliance with Experimental/Amateur-Built standards.
Sonex Aircraft, LLC is excited to announce a new purchase option for the SubSonex Personal Jet! Originally offered only as an Ultra-Quick Build Kit for Experimental Exhibition certification, customers will now have the option to choose between the original Exhibition kit, or a new Quick Build Kit option that is in compliance with Experimental/Amateur-Built standards. Also announced today, as part of a large progress update to Sonex customers, introductory pricing announced at EAA AirVenture 2013 will be extended through March 31, 2014. "Immediately after our announcement of SubSonex Kit Reservation Deposit availability at AirVenture 2013, customers voiced their desire for an EAB-compliant kit," comments Sonex President and Founder John Monnett. "Our extension of the introductory pricing offered at AirVenture will allow those customers to place their EAB kit orders within the same guaranteed special pricing structure. This new kit option is primarily being offered to help those outside of the United States import and gain approval for the SubSonex in their home countries, with most countries offering a clear path for certification of homebuilt aircraft."
SubSonex JSX-2 Quick Build Kits for EAB construction will come at a slightly lower price, USD $120,000 vs. $125,000 for the Experimental Exhibition Ultra-Quick Build Kit, and all deposit holders will have an opportunity to select the kit of their choice upon placing firm orders later this year. Orders placed after March 31st will receive the full-retail kit price: $135,000 ($130,000 for EAB), which is the current estimate of retail price based-upon the aircraft's estimated final bill of materials.
The EAB version of the SubSonex Quick Build Kit will still ship very complete, with all the same supplied equipment as the Experimental Exhibition kit, however, EAB customers will have to build a few more parts of the aircraft themselves. This will include construction and installation of items such as the tail surfaces, control surfaces (ruddervators, ailerons, flaps) and windshield, much like the current Sonex, Waiex and Onex Quick Build Kits. A pending FAA National Kit Evaluation Team (NKET) audit will confirm the final list of tasks required for completion by the builder. While Experimental Exhibition kit customers may hire an unlimited amount of professional builder assist to complete their aircraft, EAB builders will be restricted from contracting professional builder assistance as the EAB kit will ship very close to 49% complete. The choice of whether or not the customer wishes to hire a professional builder or shop to complete the aircraft will typically be the deciding factor between these two kit offerings. For customers outside the US, the certification requirements of amateur-built aircraft as opposed to experimental exhibition aircraft may be a deciding factor. All other differences between the two certification paths are relatively minor. To aid customers in their decision-making process, Sonex Aircraft has prepared a downloadable Experimental Exhibition vs. EAB Summary available at: http://www.sonexaircraft.com/subsonex/SubSonex_E-E_vs_EAB_Comparison.pdf
Today's SubSonex progress update includes many details regarding the JSX-2 design's development since AirVenture 2013, reporting that the project remains on-schedule. "With design and prototyping activities closing-in on the final detail phases of systems installations," commented John Monnett, "we anticipate coming very close to original targets for first flight of JSX-2, anticipated for the March/April, 2014 timeframe (weather permitting). The SubSonex design team is working very hard to achieve this goal, with tasks such as avionics installation, fuel system plumbing and canopy installation remaining."
Most of the critical flight testing activities for the SubSonex design have already been completed using the proof-of-concept JSX-1 prototype aircraft, therefore, successful completion of the first few hours of flight test with JSX-2 will represent a major benchmark in the program. At this phase, Sonex Aircraft, LLC will issue Offer to Purchase Letters to SubSonex deposit holders offering them the opportunity to turn their $10,000 Kit Reservation Deposits into firm orders, and production planning and preparation will be in full-swing. JSX-2 flight testing will still be in-progress at this time, with the focus on envelope expansion and the measurement of finalized performance numbers. Assuming first flight of the first JSX-2 prototype in March/April, the following schedule of activities will also be very-much on schedule, with Offer to Purchase Letters anticipated at the end of the first quarter or very beginning of Q2, 2014 and first kit deliveries estimated to occur late summer, 2014.
Sonex Aircraft also announced today further developments regarding LOA (Letter of Authorization) qualification for SubSonex customers. SubSonex primary test pilot Bob Carlton has obtained approval for a PBS TJ-100 turbojet engine systems training program using his two-place TJ-100 powered BonusJet sailplane operated by his primary business, Desert Aerospace. Now any prospective pilot looking to learn the flight operations of the TJ-100 engine may train with Bob in the BonusJet with no requirement to hold a Glider pilot certificate. This development is important, as it will serve to greatly simplify the requirements for pilots to obtain a SubSonex LOA. Although the LOA process still involves a personal, and sometimes subjective conversation regarding a pilot's flight experience with the geographically responsible FSDO where the aircraft is based, the minimum qualifications needed will likely include:
Private pilot certificate.
BonusJet systems training from Desert Aerospace OR other turbine powered aircraft flight experience.
Sonex piston engine aircraft transition training via the Sonex T-Flight program, depending upon the amount of recent flight time in comparable small aircraft with similar handling.
A current flight review in a high performance aircraft. "In order to reduce the amount of potential subjectivity between FSDO offices in the LOA process for SubSonex pilots, Sonex Aircraft LLC will be petitioning the Flight Standards Service office of the FAA, General and Commercial Division (AFS-800), Airmen Certification and Training Branch to define a standardized set of requirements to obtain LOA's for the SubSonex line of aircraft," remarks Sonex General Manager Mark Schaible. "Important contacts were made at AFS-800 during AirVenture 2013, and we are hopeful based-upon those conversations that a standardized requirement can be established."
In other SubSonex news, Sonex Aircraft has become an official dealer of Triton Trailers, providing an easy way for customers to transport their jets. With the JSX-2 design's wing center section main gear position, loading the new jet into the trailer will be incredibly simple, and will offer plenty of extra space inside the trailer for tools, luggage, fuel, and smoke oil. A Triton trailer will be offered as an available option for SubSonex kit orders with all necessary modifications to the trailer completed for easy loading and secure transport of the SubSonex. Customers will have the option of picking-up the SubSonex kit pre-packed in a Triton trailer from the Sonex factory as a tow-away package.
More information can be found on Sonex Aircraft, LLC's official SubSonex update, including a new JSX-1 flying video featuring in-flight commentary from test pilot Bob Carlton.
The SubSonex Personal Jet concept was first unveiled at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2009. After successful pairing with the PBS TJ-100 engine, the SubSonex JSX-1 prototype achieved first flight in August 2011 and completed a successful flight test program in 2012. Second-generation JSX-2 prototypes are currently under construction to serve as "conforming" prototypes representing the final SubSonex Personal Jet product. Designed to be an affordable yet feature-packed, easy to fly kit jet aircraft, JSX-2 will incorporate many new features and enhancements over the original proof of concept prototype. Included in the JSX-2 model's list of enhanced features are improved aesthetic lines, larger cockpit, instrument panel and fuel capacity, fully-retractable landing gear system with steerable nosewheel, dual truck main gear with integrated hydraulic brakes, optional cabin heat, and more. The SubSonex kit will also include a BRS Aerospace full-aircraft recovery ballistic parachute system. The BRS system will greatly improve the aircraft's safety, while increasing available cockpit space and comfort by eliminating the need for a pilot-wearable parachute.
Sonex Aircraft, LLC is a leader in the experimental kit aircraft industry, providing a series of sport aircraft along with the AeroConversions line of products which include the AeroVee engine, AeroInjector and ancillary aviation products. Sonex Aircraft's Sonex, Waiex, and Onex sport planes, the Xenos sport motorglider, and now the SubSonex Personal Jet, offer outstanding performance in an easy to build, easy to fly kit package that can be purchased and completed with full technical support at an unrivaled price. Sonex and AeroConversions continue to invest heavily in developing new products. Our team is committed to providing simple, elegant and low-cost solutions for sport flying. Simply put, Sonex Aircraft and AeroConversions products provide the Best Performance Per Dollar. Check us out at www.SonexAircraft.com and www.AeroConversions.com