Enviro Systems Awarded Textron Contract

Enviro Systems, Inc. was awarded a contract from Textron Aviation, Inc. to be the ECS supplier for their new revolutionary single engine turboprop aircraft.

Seminole, OklahomaEnviro Systems, Inc., a Zodiac Aerospace Company, announced today it has been selected by Textron Aviation, Inc., a Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) company, to be the Environmental Control System supplier of choice for Textron Aviation’s new revolutionary single engine turboprop aircraft.

Enviro Systems will design, certify, and manufacture the vapor cycle air conditioning system, cabin pressure control system, and various other components for the new single engine turboprop aircraft.

“This easily has the potential to be our largest program we have won in the rich 37 year history of Enviro Systems”, Paul Campbell, President and CEO, of Enviro Systems said. “Being trusted by a company like Textron Aviation means a great deal to our community and our employees.”

About Zodiac Aerospace

Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircrafts and for helicopters and spacecrafts. It develops and manufactures state-of-the-art solutions to improve comfort and facilities on board aircrafts and high-technology systems to increase aircraft performance and flight safety. Zodiac Aerospace has 35,000 employees worldwide and generated revenue of €4.9 billion in 2014/2015. www.zodiacaerospace.com

About Enviro Systems, Inc. (ZENV)

Enviro Systems Inc., a Zodiac Aerospace Company, located in Seminole, OK is a designer and manufacturer of environmental control systems and related components for business, commercial and military aircraft. Enviro Systems’ product line includes vapor cycle air conditioning systems, cabin pressure control systems, bleed air control valves, sensors, digital controllers, brushless fans, electric heaters and air conditioning components.