EPS Diesel Demonstrates Graflight 8 To USAF

EPS has conducted their second successful propeller vibration survey with Hartzell Propeller Corporation as part of EPS’s Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) contract award under the Alternative energy Research & Development Broad Area Announcement (BAA).

EPS has conducted their second successful propeller vibration survey with Hartzell Propeller Corporation as part of EPS's Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) contract award under the Alternative energy Research & Development Broad Area Announcement (BAA).

This program has the objective of accelerating the transition of energy efficiency and alternative energy technologies to meet Air Force and the Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) Office of Operational Energy Plans and Programs energy goals.

The survey included two days of testing and a final day of demonstrations for the Air Force. During the first two days, EPS mounted and ran traditionally heavier (high inertia) three-bladed aluminum propellers and then did the same with Hartzell's light-weight (low inertia) composite propellers. With successful results in both categories, EPS demonstrated the capability to work efficiently and effectively with a wide variety of propeller selections within the Hartzell catalog designated for engines of 310 horsepower or higher, exceeding 350 horsepower on several occasions. No other diesel engine intended for aviation use has been able to pass vibration tests for such a wide variety of propellers, thereby allowing for aerodynamic optimization, rather than just a sound structural solution that could lack thrust efficiency .

"The benefits of a clean sheet design and the new technologies incorporated in the Graflight 8 have substantially advanced diesel compatibility with all forms of high horsepower propellers," said Michael Fuchs, CEO of EPS. "We are pleased to have satisfied this part of our Air Force contract award and look forward to continued success with the program."

For further information visit EPS.aero.