From Embraer to Pro Star Aviation – New GM

New Hampshire’s own, Pro Star Aviation (KMHT), welcomes former Embraer General Manager (GM) to take over day-to-day management operations for the busy business & corporate aviation service company.

Pro Star Aviation, located at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport (KMHT), is pleased to announce Sean Peterson as the new General Manager (GM). Sean will be taking over the day to day management of the company.

Kevin Harriman, Pro Star Aviation's Managing Partner and current GM said, "we are all extremely excited to have an individual with Sean's capabilities and expertise leading Pro Star Aviation through our next growth phase, as well as into the future."

Prior to his new position, Sean was the General Manager for Embraer Executive Jet Services, MRO located at Bradley Int'l Airport and is also a licensed FAA A&P. As GM for Embraer, Sean was also the Accountable Manager to the FAA under FAR Part 145. The repair station serviced all Embraer Executive Jet model aircraft, performing scheduled & unscheduled maintenance as well as modifications and upgrades.

Sean also held other roles in his 11+ years at Embraer where he served as a Senior Planner/Scheduler for all three Embraer Owned Executive Jet Service Centers located in the U.S. His first two years with Embraer started at the Commercial MRO located in Nashville, TN where he worked as a Planner for the E-Jet Line. He was also a Project Manager for the Quantum Control ERP Implementation and managed a team of key users throughout the project.

Prior to his work with Embraer, Sean worked for Bombardier (Part 145 MRO) at Bradley Int'l Airport for 9+ years where he held various roles such as; Modification Technician, Avionics Line Technician and Methods/Scheduling Analyst. His time at Bombardier afforded him with a comprehensive experience in the use of advanced engineering drawings, STCs, DER approvals and FAA form 337.

Before entering the aviation industry, Sean studied manufacturing at a trade school where he obtained knowledge and experience in CNC G-Code programming, AutoCAD, CAD/CAM and 3D Modeling. While in school, Sean operated a 5-Axis CNC machine for two years at Berkshire Industries via a Cooperative Program held at the institution.

Outside of work, Sean enjoys spending quality time with his wife and two boys while volunteering as a coach for both baseball and soccer in his local community. Sean also enjoys carpentry as a hobby, specifically with regard to finish trim work and custom furniture design.

Board Affiliations: Massachusetts Business Aviation Association (MBAA) - Board Member and Westfield Technical Academy - Aviation Advisory Board, Board Member.