Helicopter IFR Survey, What’s Standing in Your Way?

The National EMS Pilots Association (NEMSPA) in collaboration with the U.S. Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) is conducting a survey to obtain information and insight on helicopter IFR issues and limitations facing todays helicopter pilots.

January 13, 2019

Calling All IFR Helicopter Pilots

Make your opinion on IFR known and make it count!

The National EMS Pilots Association (NEMSPA) in collaboration with the U.S. Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) is conducting a survey to obtain information and insight on helicopter IFR issues and limitations facing todays helicopter pilots. We are seeking input from ALL HELICOPTER PILOTS who hold an instrument rating conducting any form of helicopter operation that utilizes the national IFR system. The information obtained from this survey will be presented to the Federal Aviation Administration and other industry stake holders in February 2019 at the USHST Infrastructure Summit held in Washington, D.C. This data will be used to assist the industry in helping identify IFR deficiencies and prioritize IFR requirements for the helicopter community as a whole.

ACT SOON, time is of the essence!

Take 10 minutes now or at your earliest opportunity and help make a positive impact on your industry for both yourself and future pilots for years to come.

For more information about NEMSPA and the USHST visit the following websites: