Just Aircraft will sponsor Just Plane Fun Days

Just Aircraft will sponsor Just Plane Fun Days on August 29 through August 31 (Labor Day weekend) at Brass Town Airport, near Brass Town, North Carolina. Open to anyone and free of charge, the event appeals largely to people who own one of the Just Aircraft models.

Walhalla, SC - Just Aircraft will sponsor Just Plane Fun Days on August 29 through August 31 (Labor Day weekend) at Brass Town Airport, near Brass Town, North Carolina. Open to anyone and free of charge, the event appeals largely to people who own one of the Just Aircraft models. It is expected that Highlanders and new SuperSTOLs will dominate the event and certainly the attention of the public. Billy Payne, who owns the airport, is hosting the event, which he calls "a gathering of like-minded people who enjoy flying their aircraft. At any given daylight hour there will usually be a dozen aircraft in the air, giving rides or participating in one of the competitions." Among the contests, are a short field take off, short field landing, spot landing, limbo (flying under a ribbon), balloon pop, coyote shoot (balloons) and bomb drop. All of the Just Aircraft models will be judged with a variety of categories: Best of Show, Best Panel, Most Innovative, People's Choice and Grand Champion. On Saturday night there will be a cookout at the airport and on Sunday morning pilots will take off for a tour of the local mountains. Last year, about 2,000 people visited the gathering, and even with bad weather 19 Just Aircraft flew in. This year, with good weather, the host expects more than twice that number. Just Aircraft has shipped over 500 kits to builders all over the world. Camping is available on the field and for those who prefer a motel, the group has a special rate at the local Hampton Inn. For more information phone Billy Payne at 828.557.4833 or call Just Aircraft at 864.718.0320. For more information about Just Aircraft, visit JustAircraft.com.