Looking for the AKOYA

On Sunday August 24th 2014, an exceptional event, uniting the two elements air and water, will be held at the Grand Port of Aix-Les-Bains, Savoie, France. The first Lac du Bourget airshow joins the 16th edition of the now famous Navig’Aix event (old vessels gathering) offering a fascinating, rich and varied spectacle.

On Sunday August 24th 2014, an exceptional event, uniting the two elements air and water, will be held at the Grand Port of Aix-Les-Bains, Savoie, France. The first Lac du Bourget airshow joins the 16th edition of the now famous Navig'Aix event (old vessels gathering) offering a fascinating, rich and varied spectacle. Combining perfectly innovation in both nautical and aerial sectors, the Savoyard company LISA Airplanes is best suited to attend the event and therefore showcase the AKOYA, its two-seat amphibian aircraft. Designed with great refinement, this modern and futuristic plane is the first seaplane built with the "Seafoils"* technology, thus making possible to perform equally takeoffs and landings on both air and water.

Attending the show, LISA Airplanes will be unveiling the AKOYA, which is still under development, at the Exhibitors forum. A unique occasion for the most dedicated community of aviation consumers to meet with part of the team around the prototype and, from 9.30AM to 6.30PM, the opportunity for a total immersion onboard the aircraft thanks to video screenings. Air demonstrations above Lac du Bourget, vintage aircrafts, fighter and military patrol aircrafts as well as the French's Aerobatic Team (2013 World Champion) will also be represented throughout the event.

*Seafoils Focus Attached underneath the fuselage of the AKOYA, the carrier flanges, called "Seafoils" have been solely created by LISA Airplanes. Based on the hydrofoils technology found on racing boats, this innovation has been designed to minimize the effects of the aerodynamic drag in flight. Thus, unlike classical seaplanes and amphibian aircrafts, the "Seafoils" do not affect the plane's aerodynamics which makes it the first aircraft as effective in the water as in the air. Combining the advantages of ensuring flexibility, stability and the feeling of smoothness during water landing, the "Seafoils" designing does not require any flying action from the pilot during takeoffs and offers very easy handling regardless the plane velocity on water. Furthermore, this unique innovation linked to an aerodynamic fuselage and a low weight makes the AKOYA achieve excellent flight performances: 5.6L of fuel per 100km at 190km/h (maximum speed of 250km/h) and a range of 2,000km.

For further information on LISA Airplanes and the AKOYA: http://www.lisa-airplanes.com To meet LISA Airplanes team and catch a glimpse of the AKOYA: visit LISA Airplanes booth from 9.30AM to 6.30PM on the front plaza of Grand Port d'Aix-Les-Bains (Savoie).