Naviator App Adds 3D Synthetic Vision for Android Devices

123west Software Inc. is pleased to announce the version 3.0 release of its popular aviation app, Naviator, for Android devices. Naviator 3.0 introduces two major features: 3D synthetic vision and obstacle/tower alerts.

Vancouver, British Columbia - May 20, 2014 - 123west Software Inc. is pleased to announce the version 3.0 release of its popular aviation app, Naviator, for Android devices. Naviator 3.0 introduces two major features: 3D synthetic vision and obstacle/tower alerts.

The 3D synthetic vision feature builds on Naviator's existing 2D terrain warnings to present a 3D HUD-like view of the surrounding terrain and obstacles. Terrain above the aircraft is shaded red to warn pilots of potential danger and obstacles (antennas, buildings, etc.) are displayed using their real-world elevations, enabling enhanced situational awareness. When used together with an iLevil ADS-B receiver the aircraft's attitude (pitch, roll) is also displayed. Future updates to the synthetic vision feature will include the display of airport runways, ADS-B traffic and a highway in the sky (HITS). 3D synthetic vision is available globally between latitudes 60degreeN and 60degreeS.

The obstacle database is available for the United States and its territories, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. Obstacles are shown in both the 2D map and 3D synthetic vision views. Audio warnings are spoken if Naviator determines that the aircraft is on a collision course with an obstacle.

Naviator is developed by pilots for pilots, and grew out of a personal need for a cost-effective GPS navigation solution. Founder and lead developer, Mike Miller, said of the version 3.0 milestone, "In 2010 I had recently moved to Vancouver, and after trying to navigate the area's complex airspace using a paper chart I quickly realized that I was going to need a GPS. This sparked the development of Naviator and after years of hard work and plenty of feedback from our customers, Naviator has matured into a highly capable app. In keeping with our goal of cost-effectiveness we are proud to offer these new features to all of our customers at no extra charge."

Naviator is a full-featured flight planning and GPS navigation app designed to run on Android devices such as the Google Nexus 7. Feature highlights include:

- Global navigation database containing over 53,000 airports and navaids - Global weather data - Global Forecast Engine provides a winds aloft forecast anywhere on the planet, up to two days in advance - Global high detail VFR base map - Intuitive "rubber band" flight planning - 3D synthetic vision - Terrain and obstacle warnings - Split screen mode - Flight plan filing via DUATS and Lockheed Martin AFSS - ADS-B weather and traffic - Support for ADS-B receivers including the iLevil, Dual XGPS 170, SkyGuard TWX, FreeFlight Systems and NavWorx PADS WxBox - NMEA output for driving external devices such as an autopilot - "Bring Your Own Charts" feature enables import of custom charts

Subscriptions are $34.99 per year or $4.99 per month, and a 30 day free trial is available for new customers. More information about Naviator is available at

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Contact: Mike Miller, Founder/Lead Developer