New Cables Connect GPS Devices To Flight Simulators

ELITE Simulation Solutions now offers GPS interface cables to connect your own flight simulator to Garmin 696 and 796 handheld GPS units. The cable connection to the handheld GPS allows it to show live georeferenced position reporting of your flight simulator’s position so you can fly your flight simulator the same way and with the same devices you would in a real aircraft.

ELITE Simulation Solutions now offers GPS interface cables to connect your own flight simulator to Garmin 696 and 796 handheld GPS units. The cable connection to the handheld GPS allows it to show live georeferenced position reporting of your flight simulator's position so you can fly your flight simulator the same way and with the same devices you would in a real aircraft.

This is a great way to practice using your handheld device so you can be better prepared during your next flight. Pilots now have the ability to explore the functions of their handheld GPS while flying their simulator instead of trying to learn new intricacies while flying in a real aircraft creating a potentially dangerous and distracting situation.

The GPS cables are compatible with ELITE(R), Microsoft(R) Flight Simulator, Lockheed Martin(R) Prepar3D(TM), and X-Plane(R). Drivers must be downloaded for the GPS cables to interface with each simulator program with the exception of X-Plane(R).

ELITE(R) also has cable connections for the Garmin 196, 295, 395 and 495, and offers wireless connection for your iPad with a program called Sim-to-App, so you can run apps such as ForeFlight with the same functionality and position reporting from your flight simulator. More information on all products mentioned available at