NTSB to Hold Meeting on Ag Ops Safety

The National Transportation Safety Board will host a meeting with agricultural industry leaders and federal regulators to discuss its Special Investigation Report on the Safety of Agricultural Aircraft Operations.

WASHINGTON -- The National Transportation Safety Board will host a meeting with agricultural industry leaders and federal regulators to discuss its Special Investigation Report on the Safety of Agricultural Aircraft Operations. During the meeting, the NTSB will present the findings from the special investigation report including safety issues that relate to this unique sector of the general aviation community. Also, the NTSB will announce several new safety recommendations that are being issued to the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Agricultural Aviation Research & Education Foundation. In addition to the special investigation report, investigators developed a new Safety Alert, "Preventing Obstacle Collision Accidents in Agricultural Aviation," to provide guidance for pilots and operators to increase safety in the industry. Event: Industry Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 2:00 PM (EDT) Location: NTSB Headquarters 490 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington, DC 20594

Participants: NTSB Board Member Earl Weener NTSB Office of Aviation Safety Staff Federal Aviation Administration Officials National Agricultural Aviation Association Officials