PlaneLogiX Transcription Goes Live

Official launch of aircraft maintenance logbook back up and transcription service.

PlaneLogiX is poised to bring GA aircraft maintenance record keeping into the 21st century. Carrboro, NC - August 13, 2014 Pilots and owners of Pilot Mission LLC Robert Wilkes, William Goldstein, and William Hecksteden, three entrepreneurs under 30, have returned from EAA AirVenture with an optimistic outlook on General Aviation and their business. They have exited beta for their aircraft maintenance record backup and transcription program, known as "PlaneLogiX," and are opening the doors to the public. "The idea is to encapsulate the aircraft ownership and management experience by digitizing and backing up aircraft maintenance records, while simultaneously providing a set of management tools for the owner pilots and operators." says Robert. "Many people look at their maintenance records and say, 'what a mess.' We're here to fix that problem and help keep aircraft owners and operators organized both digitally and on paper for years to come. We try to fit all of your records into a single binder, and include a file system to help keep your records organized going forward." The team has spent months developing their transcription process, and is now actively developing the web portal, which users will be able to view and manipulate their records digitally, if they so choose. You can ship your maintenance records from anywhere in the world. PlaneLogiX's program is based on US regulations and FAA generated Airworthiness Directives and manufacturer Service Bulletins. "Think about it. If you are an aircraft owner, you probably have a large satchel at home with your logbooks. You prefer to keep your maintenance records at home and in a safe location, because they are worth so much to you. It doesn't matter what level of flying you're doing- having proof of an organized and well maintained set of logbooks will add value to your aircraft when it comes time to sell. What better time to have us backup and transcribe these records for you than now?" Learn more at