Pro Star MHT Adds to Maintenance Staff

Pro Star Aviation hires two new maintenance techs in-lieu of opening the doors at their newly built facility at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport (MHT).

Pro Star Aviation is proud to welcome two (2) new hires to our Maintenance team; Zac Cote and Tyler Mullens.

In December, soon-to-be A&P Certified Zac Cote from Nottingham, NH, was hired on as an apprentice at Pro Star Aviation. Zac, currently in pursuit of his Associate of Science Degree in Aviation Technology at Nashua Community College (NCC) in Nashua, NH, is currently gaining valuable hands-on experience at Pro Star while he continues his education requirements at NCC. Zac's anticipated date of graduation is for May of this year.

To comment on his hiring, Zac stated, "I am very excited to start my aviation career at Pro Star Aviation. The knowledge of the experienced aircraft maintenance technicians here is providing me the opportunity to expand on my education in the field and expand my passion for the world of aviation."

Also in comment, Pro Star's Director of Maintenance (DOM), Chris Mancini stated, "I am very excited to have Zac on our team here at Pro Star Aviation. Since starting as an apprentice, he has shown an outstanding work ethic, eagerness to learn, and a passion for aviation in general. I look forward to him gaining his A&P certificate through school with our help, and hope to have him with us for a long time into the future."

In January, Pro Star welcomed Tyler Mullens all the way from New Jersey to join their Maintenance Team. Tyler, a 2016 graduate from the Aviation Institute of Maintenance (AIM) - Philadelphia, is working towards fulfilling the time requirements he needs to get his A&P.

Tyler's decision to move from New Jersey and take a job in New Hampshire shows a lot of courage, but is a perfect example of the type of individuals Pro Star Aviation seeks to hire - those willing to take a chance in exchange for the opportunity of a promising career in business aviation. " Prior to my employment at Pro Star Aviation, I was nervous ," stated Tyler. " Starting a new journey in a new state was something completely different than anything I was used to. Upon arriving here, I quickly discovered that I was in the perfect situation from top to bottom. Everyone was nothing short of professional. The experience of the senior mechanics was definitely a sign that proper learning and training was going to be taught. I love working for Pro Star and I am looking forward to staying here for years to come ."

When asked about Tyler, DOM Chris Mancini had this to say, "I had a good feeling about Tyler from the very beginning, and since he's shown up here, he continues to impress me with his great attitude and work ethic. With some training, I see him becoming a very beneficial member of our maintenance team and am glad he chose to make the move ."

Being on the cusp of opening the hangar doors at our new facility on the East side of the runway at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport (MHT), Pro Star has multiple full-time job opportunities available to support the expansion effort. For a complete list of opportunities, visit