Simhawk Allows Buyers & Sellers to Communicate More Easily
Simhawk Adds Direct Buyer and Seller Chat Functionality to its Platform and Extends Annual Simulator Training Survey Deadline
Williston, VT - November 20, 2017 - Simhawk Inc., announced the addition of new chat functionality to its global flight simulator marketplace and also extended the deadline for its Annual Simulator Training Survey.New Chat FunctionalityThe new chat functionality allows buyers and sellers to communicate directly via Simhawk in order to seek additional details regarding requests and proposals that are submitted using Simhawk."Customers looking for simulator time or training no longer need to search the internet or other sources to try to identify possible simulator or training providers and then try to figure out who to contact there," said Chris Weinberg, CEO of Simhawk. "With over 93% of the global simulator fleet on Simhawk, our platform eliminates all of these hassles by giving buyers the ability to search for availability and communicate with sellers around the world in one easy place."The chat functionality allows users to respond directly via email as well as via the Simhawk platform and both buyers and sellers can use the functionality to chat with the Simhawk team.Annual Simulator Training Survey Deadline ExtendedBased on feedback from respondents, Simhawk has extended the deadline for its Annual Simulator Training Survey to December 15, 2017. The survey, which is the first of its kind in the industry, is open to all flight operations and individuals that utilize flight simulators for training. It will provide the first ever overall view of customer satisfaction in the industry and all participants will receive a summary of the survey results.The survey can be accessed at until December 15, 2017 and results of the survey will be made available to participants in early 2018.About SimhawkSimhawk the world's first and only global flight simulator marketplace that matches buyers and sellers of flight simulator time and training. Customers that need to buy simulator time or training services can find the best available options, without having to contact multiple providers. Simhawk also provides simulator operators and training service providers with a cost effective way of selling excess capacity and availability to a global network of customers.