Sporty’s Foundation Makes Grant For Girls In Aviation Day

Women in Aviation International received a $3,200 grant from The Sporty’s Foundation, whose mission is to ensure a healthy general aviation community for the next generation.

Women in Aviation International received a $3,200 grant from The Sporty's Foundation, whose mission is to ensure a healthy general aviation community for the next generation. The grant will be used to purchase instructional sectional charts to use as a hands-on teaching activity for girls ages 8 to 16 for the September 24, 2016 youth outreach.

"Sporty's has been a sponsor of Girls in Aviation Day since its inception," said WAI President Dr. Peggy Chabrian. "By teaching the girls how to read a sectional chart as one of the Girls in Aviation Day activities, we are introducing them to one of the amazing careers available in the aviation industry - being a pilot. They gain a skill which we know enhances their interest in aviation and spurs additional curiosity about the aviation world."

Women in Aviation International has declared September 24, 2016, as International Girls in Aviation Day where WAI chapters around the world will again host their own one-day event to attract more young women to the aviation and aerospace communities with a day of activities appealing to girls ages 8 to 16 years. This program is an outgrowth of the successful Girls in Aviation Day events held since 2012 during the past four International Women in Aviation Conferences.

"We want our foundation's funds to be used in areas which motivate young people to explore STEM subjects," said Sporty's Founder and Chairman Hal Shevers. "Girls in Aviation Day encourages careers in all areas of aviation from engineers to pilots, from air traffic controllers to airport managers. We need to attract the next generation of aviation professionals." More information on Girls in Aviation Day, September 24, 2016, including information about local chapter events, can be found at

Women in Aviation International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing networking, mentoring and scholarship opportunities for women and men who are striving for challenging and fulfilling careers in the aviation and aerospace industries. For more information about WAI scholarships, please contact WAI at (937) 839-4647 or online at