Sporty’s Offers FAA-Approved ATP Certification Training Program
With the FAA mandate that all pilots seeking an ATP certificate be required to complete an FAA-approved ATP Certification Training Program (ATP-CTP) prior to taking the ATP Knowledge test, Sporty’s has partnered with ABX Airlines in Wilmington, Ohio to offer this training.
Sporty's Offers FAA-Approved ATP Certification Training Program Partners with ABX Airlines in Wilmington, Ohio With the FAA mandate that all pilots seeking an ATP certificate be required to complete an FAA-approved ATP Certification Training Program (ATP-CTP) prior to taking the ATP Knowledge test, Sporty's has partnered with ABX Airlines in Wilmington, Ohio to offer this training. The ATP-CTP training requires at least 30 hours of classroom work and 10 hours of simulator training, six of which must be completed in a level C flight simulator or higher. As planned, Sporty's ATP-CTP course will take place at the ABX Airlines learning center in Wilmington, Ohio. The six-day course will include four days of classroom instruction and the remainder of time in the simulator. "ABX Air is proud to partner with Sporty's in the launch of the ATP-CTP," says ABX Flight Standards & Training Supervisor Steve Hanshew. "Besides a wealth of airline training experience, ABX also offers a world class flight simulator training facility where pilots will benefit from learning in modern, full-motion flight simulators from professional and experienced airline pilots." To be eligible for the ATP-CTP, you must possess a minimum of an FAA Private Pilot Certification. At course completion you will be provided a graduation certificate required to take the FAA knowledge test for multiengine ATP. ATP knowledge test results are then valid for 60 calendar months. "Of course, the training includes all those FAA subject areas that are required by the FAA," says Sporty's Academy President Eric Radtke. "Those topics encompass aerodynamics, upset prevention & recovery, meteorology, air carrier operations, turbine engines, performance, automation, leadership, and crew resource management." Simulator training will include navigation, automation and high altitude operations in the DC-9 level C flight simulator under the guidance of the experienced ABX Airlines instructors. Classes are available approximately twice per month and may be scheduled up to six months in advance. The ATP-CTP course [2200A] costs $4500 which includes 30 hours of classroom instruction, 10 hours of simulator training and required materials and supplies. The fee does not include travel and lodging. The course fee is non-refundable beginning 30 days from the scheduled class. For more information, including a helpful webinar on ATP requirements or to enroll, visit