Sun Flyer to Benefit from Part 23 Reform

The recent release of the revised Part 23 airworthiness standards for the Federation Aviation Regulations (FAR) will significantly streamline the process of certifying the “Sun Flyer,” the company developing the electric flight trainer announced.

Sun Flyer to Benefit from Part 23 ReformDenver, Colorado - Feb. 21, 2017 - The recent release of the revised Part 23 airworthiness standards for the Federation Aviation Regulations (FAR) will significantly streamline the process of certifying the "Sun Flyer," the company developing the electric flight trainer announced.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released a final rule in mid-December 2016 for the new Part 23, which enables a more efficient certification process for general aviation aircraft with innovative technologies, such as electric-powered Sun Flyer. The rules also include provisions for electric propulsion."We are extremely pleased with the outcome of the reform efforts," said George Bye, CEO of Aero Electric Aircraft Corp., Sun Flyer's developer. "We extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to the FAA for incorporating so many of the recommendations made by GAMA, AOPA, EAA and those in our industry who are working tirelessly to revitalize general aviation."Power-on tests commenced on the prototype Sun Flyer late last year, and nearly 100 customer deposits and options for deposits have been received. The 2-seat flight trainer is intended to be the first FAA-certified, U.S.-sponsored, practical, all-electric airplane to serve the flight training and general aviation markets. It features a remarkably low operating cost, low aircraft unit cost, low noise and the elimination of CO2 exhaust pollutants. John Knudsen, AEAC Executive Vice President and former FAA Attorney, echoed Bye's enthusiasm for the new rule, calling the revised Part 23 standards a game-changer. "This is probably one of the best rule re-writes I have ever seen the FAA do by taking out extraneous requirements for small airplanes," he said. "It is truly a substantial improvement."ABOUT AERO ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT CORP.AEAC is developing Sun Flyer, the first FAA-certified U.S.-sponsored, practical, all-electric airplane serving general aviation and the aviation flight training market. For more information, go to -###-