Team AeroDynamix to Sell Whelen Lighting Products and Lighting Kits

Team AeroDynamix is excited to announce an expansion in its partnership with Whelen Engineering Aviation Division. This expansion involves the sale of Whelen Aviation lighting products along with manufactured light kits for the homebuilt community.

Gold Hill, NC - Team AeroDynamix is excited to announce an expansion in its partnership with Whelen Engineering Aviation Division. This expansion involves the sale of Whelen Aviation lighting products along with manufactured light kits for the homebuilt community. Whelen's Jim Olson, Vice President of Aviation Lighting Products states "We have been involved with this talented team of professionals for a number of years and have seen how the homebuilt community connects with them. They are so passionate about their flying, and the planes they built. When you see them fly their night show with our lighting equipment, it inspires us... It inspires the homebuilders. Integrating this team's knowledge and experience in this market will allow Whelen to provide the homebuilt community with FAA certified products that exceed all minimum requirements for a competitive price." Michael Stewart, Team AeroDynamix Founder and Flight Lead, says "We have had a relationship with Whelen for years. Whelen has pioneered LED technology in emergency vehicles over the past decade. Now they are bringing that experience to aviation. This is an opportunity to leverage our relationship in the aviation community by selling the highest quality, best performing American made products, directly to the consumer. This is an entirely new business model, one we hope to expand in the coming years. Our knowledge of the Whelen products, combined with the bond we have with the homebuilt community, will be a winning proposition. We could not think of a better partner to launch this new line of business with." Light kits and Whelen lighting products for home builders are now available at Team AeroDynamix combines graceful aerobatics with precision formation to fill the sky with an action-packed performance. No other air show act in the world flies as many airplanes at one time as does Team AeroDynamix. The team flies day and night routines nationally and internationally at air shows, aviation expos, civic festivals, special events, and sporting events. Whelen Engineering Aviation our goal is to bring innovative, life saving products to market more quickly while maintaining strict quality control throughout the process. We have accomplished this through a vertical manufacturing initiative to eliminate or reduce out-sourcing; the use of robotics and state-of-the-art production equipment; and, perhaps most importantly, a motivated workforce of over 1100 employees. This allows us to meet and adapt to our customer's changing needs in the shortest amount of time.