U.S. Sport Aviation Expo Finalizes Speaker Slate

The U.S. Sport Aviation Expo has finalized an outstanding lineup of keynote speakers for its 12th annual Expo, set for January 20-23, 2016, at the Sebring Regional Airport (SEF). Enjoy Mike Busch, Paul Dye, Rusty Pilot Seminars, a live UCAP podcast and more …

The latest Keynote Speaker to confirm his appearance at the Expo is Mike Busch, AVweb co-founder and arguably the best-known A&P/IA in general aviation. Busch will speak on Friday, January 22, at 1:30 p.m. in the Aviators Hot Line Show Center Tent. He will also conduct two forums on Saturday, January 23, at 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Busch is also founder and CEO of Savvy Aircraft Maintenance Management, Inc., the world's largest company providing professional maintenance management services for owner-flown aircraft, and of SavvyAnalysis.com, providing engine monitor data analysis for piston aircraft. He also offers free maintenance webinars for aircraft owners on the first Wednesday of each month and frequently presents webinars for EAA. He is currently a columnist for AOPA Pilot magazine, as well as the Cessna Pilots Association magazine, and Cirrus Pilot.

Kitplanes editor Paul Dye will lead off the Keynote Speakers series on Wednesday, January 20, also speaking at 1:30 p.m. Prior to his work at Kitplanes, Dye worked at NASA where he served as lead flight director for nine space shuttle missions, more than any other flight director. In addition, Dye has built an RV-3, an RV-8 and is currently working on a Dream Tundra and Xenos motorglider.

On Thursday, Jan. 21, the Expo will host a panel of industry experts to discuss the "Present and Future of Personal Aviation." Jack Hodgson of Uncontrolled Air Space (UCAP), will moderate the panel. Other participants will include: Charlie Becker, EAA Homebuilt Community Manager; Tom Bliss, publisher of AVweb; Paul Dye, editor of Kitplanes; Dan Johnson, president of the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association, and Les Smith, Senior Director, Pilot Community Development for AOPA.

On Saturday during the Keynote Speaker slot at 1:30 p.m., the UCAP team will host a live podcast from the Expo. Jack Hodgson, Jeb Burnside, and Dave Higdon will talk about the lively topics of the day and welcome questions from the audience. In addition to these keynote speaker presentations, AOPA Ambassador Jamie Beckett will host two Rusty Pilot Seminars during the 2016 Expo. Pre-registration is appreciated, but walk-ins will be welcomed on a first-come, first-served basis until the classroom is full. Session 1 will be held Thursday, January 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Sign up at: https://ww2.eventrebels.com/er/Registration/StepRegInfo.jsp?ActivityID=13979&StepNumber=1 Session 2 will be held Saturday, January 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Sign up at:https://ww2.eventrebels.com/er/Registration/StepRegInfo.jsp?ActivityID=13981&StepNumber=1

Throughout the four-day event, the Flying Musicians Association (FMA) will be entertaining Expo attendees. There's also a full slate of forum presentations, seminars, and workshops. Expo Director Jana Filip is currently finalizing those presentations. Anyone interested in presenting a forum is urged to submit their proposal online now at www.sportaviationexpo.com/forums-application. The forum schedule will be finalized in late October.

For complete Expo information, visit www.sportaviationexpo, "like" U.S. Sport Aviation Expo at Facebook.com/SportAviationExpo, or follow the event's updates on Twitter (@USAviationExpo) and Instagram (@SportAviationExpo). Find 20,000+ reasons to fly at SocialFlight.com