AVIC Building GA Industrial Bases In China
China’s largest aviation company says it’s building the first of 50 aviation “industrial bases” aimed at serving the country’s general aviation market. The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) Chairman Lin Zuoming told the Xinhua News Agency the 30-square-kilometer (11.5-square-mile) complex will include manufacturing, research and training facilities.

China's largest aviation company says it's building the first of 50 aviation "industrial bases" aimed at serving the country's general aviation market. The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) Chairman Lin Zuoming told the Xinhua News Agency the 30-square-kilometer (11.5-square-mile) complex will include manufacturing, research and training facilities. The groundbreaking for the first one was held Saturday in Jingmen City in Hubei Province in central China. It will take about eight years to build at a cost of $3.1 billion. AVIC is the parent company of China Aviation Industry General Aircraft, which owns Cirrus Aircraft, and Cirrus representative Jon Dauplaise was at the Jingmen ceremony.
Dauplaise, director of emerging markets at Cirrus, was paraphrased by Xinhua as saying there are about 600 "aviation communities" in the U.S., likely referring to major GA airports where manufacturing, training and research take place. Xinhua also said Dauplaise told them there is huge potential for GA in China. The report also said China is considering raising the current 3,300-foot ceiling for GA operations.