Bizjets To EBACE On Alternative Fuel
The European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) kicked off this week with 23 aircraft heading there with some sustainable alternative jet fuel or SAJF in their tanks. SAJF is derived from renewable feedstocks, which is how it earns the sustainable descriptor.

Image: AVFuel
The European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) kicked off this week with 23 aircraft heading there with some "sustainable alternative jet fuel" or SAJF in their tanks. SAJF is "derived from renewable feedstocks," which is how it earns the "sustainable" descriptor. SAJF is an important component of the bizjet industry's desire to reduce its carbon footprint a massive 50% by 2050.
"This week's record-setting EBACE SAJF Fly-In is a milestone in business aviation's commitment to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions," said EBAA Chairman of the Board of Governors Juergen Wiese. "We are proud that Europe's leading business aviation event, which has always showcased innovation, is proving the viability and value of alternative fuels." Participants included Air BP, Avfuel, Aviator, Bombardier, Cirrus Aircraft, Daher, Dassault Aviation, Diamond Aircraft, Embraer, Gulfstream, JSSI, NESTE, Textron Aviation and World Fuel Services.
"These flights are intended to demonstrate to everyone in our industry that SAJF is, quite simply, Jet-A in every way: a drop-in fuel that has undergone exhaustive testing and meets all specifications and requirements," said GAMA President and CEO Pete Bunce. "As an industry, we are extremely proud to have delivered a 40 percent fuel efficiency improvement over the last 40 years through improved aircraft and component designed materials and manufacturing processes. We look forward to building upon these efficiency gains, which directly translate to our industry's environmental sustainability goals through the growing availability and use of SAJF."