Boeing Reveals Newest Truss-Braced Wing Design
Boeing has introduced its newest Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) concept, an ultra-thin, folding wing designed to significantly increase aerodynamic efficiency. The TTBW has a 170-foot wingspan with each wing supported by a truss.

Image: Boeing
Boeing has introduced its newest Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) concept, an ultra-thin, folding wing designed to significantly increase aerodynamic efficiency. The TTBW has a 170-foot wingspan with each wing supported by a truss. According to Boeing, the newest TTBW concept further optimized the truss and modified the wing sweep resulting in "a more integrated design that significantly improved vehicle performance."
The company says the changes to previous TTBW models are the result of "extensive" wind tunnel testing at NASA's Ames Research Center. While the original was intended to fly at speeds of Mach 0.70 to 0.75, the new TTBW has been designed for a top speed of Mach 0.80. Although exact numbers weren't given, Boeing researchers also said that the new design would be capable of flying higher than previous versions.
In partnership with NASA, Boeing has been developing the TTBW idea for almost ten years as part of the Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research (SUGAR) program. Boeing says SUGAR research "focuses on innovative concepts that reduce noise and emissions while enhancing performance."