Bombardier Engine Shuts Down During Test Flight

A Global 7000, a Bombardier large-cabin business jet currently undergoing test flights, lost an engine last week while flying at 41,000 feet, according to a report in the Wichita Eagle this week. A report from the Transportation Safety Board of Canada said the jet experienced an inflight flameout of the right engine following high vibration and high Inter Turbine Temperature (ITT) readings. The crew declared an emergency and landed safely at Wichita.

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A Global 7000, a Bombardier large-cabin business jet currently undergoing test flights, lost an engine last week while flying at 41,000 feet, according to a report in the Wichita Eagle this week. A report from the Transportation Safety Board of Canada said the jet "experienced an inflight flameout of the right engine following high vibration and high Inter Turbine Temperature (ITT) readings." The crew declared an emergency and landed safely at Wichita. Bombardier issued a brief statement on Monday, saying the test pilots experienced an "occurrence." The pilots "followed standard procedures and returned to base uneventfully. Bombardier and GE have determined that the root cause of last week's reported occurrence was an isolated event." The company said the jet's flight and ground test campaigns continue on track for entry-into-service in the second half of 2018.

The GE Passport engine, which will make its first entry into service with the Global 7000, was FAA certified in early 2016. Three Global 7000 jets are currently flying in the test program. The first six customer aircraft are now in production and final assembly-line activities are ramping up, the company said. The aircraft, which is a derivative of the Global 6000, was announced in 2010 and first flew last November.