Bombardier Investing In Aerospace Research
Bombardier has announced that it will be investing approximately $22 million CAD in Aro21 and SAGE, two Qubec-based aerospace research projects. The projects will concentrate on bringing new aerospace products to market at a faster pace, reducing development costs, developing smarter, more efficient technologies, and reducing the environmental footprint of the aerospace industry.

Image: Bombardier
Bombardier has announced that it will be investing approximately $22 million CAD in Aro21 and SAGE, two Qubec-based aerospace research projects. The projects will concentrate on bringing new aerospace products to market at a faster pace, reducing development costs, developing smarter, more efficient technologies, and reducing the environmental footprint of the aerospace industry. Bombardier says the funds will be invested over the next three years.
"Through this strong alliance between industry, government and researcher partners, we are proud to not only push the limits of technology and build greener, more efficient aircraft, but to also increase the competitiveness of the Qubec aerospace industry," said Bombardier Chief Technology Officer Franois Caza.
$18.75 million CAD from Bombardier will go to Aro21. According to Bombardier, its participation in the project will focus on expanding the use of computerized models to test various aircraft systems and components from the design phase through certification. For SAGE, Bombardier is planning to invest $3.6 million CAD in the program's Aile intelligente et lgre pour l'environnement (AILE) subproject. AILE's aim is to develop multifunctional wings for business and commercial aircraft that optimize aerodynamics and weight to reduce cost and fuel consumption.