Doc’s First Flight Scheduled In Wichita
The B-29 “Doc” will return to the air on July 17, the restoration team in Wichita announced Friday. The Superfortress’ first flight following years of repair and assembly work is slated to take place in the early morning before the heat of the Kansas summer peaks.

The B-29 "Doc" will return to the air on July 17, the warbird's restoration team announced Friday. The Superfortress' first flight is slated to take place atMcConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, adjacent to the restoration hangar where volunteers worked for years to rebuild the four-engine heavy bomber. Doc's Friends spokesman Josh Wells told AVweb the flight is subject to favorable conditions, including a southerly wind with no rain. It will take placein the early morning before the heat of the Kansas summer builds up. While security at the base will be tight, information on the timeline and public viewing options will be provided as the flight day nears. There also will be a live webcast, Wells said.
The organization recently received official approval from the military to fly out of McConnell as crews conducted ground tests on the tarmac. The restoration project had gained momentum in the past year thanks to successful fundraising efforts to support flight testing. "Hundreds of volunteers have spent thousands of hours working to restore this national treasure," Doc's Friends said in announcing the first flight. "After 16 years of hard work, sweat, tears and tireless attention to detail, we are ready fly."