FedEx Offers Senior Pilots $110,000 To Keep Flying

Santa Claus wears captains bars in the e-commerce economy but its some of the pilots who are getting gifts this holiday season.

Santa Claus wears captain's bars in the e-commerce economy but it's some of the pilots who are getting gifts this holiday season. FedEx is offering its retirement-age captains as much as $110,000 in retention bonuses to keep working through this year's busy time. Last year, FedEx and its competitor UPS had record years thanks to mouse-clicking Christmas shoppers and are expecting more business this year. The bonus offers, which range from a low of $40,000 to the $110,000 cap, are included in a new contract obtained by Reuters.

The news agency said the contract provisions suggest FedEx, the world's largest air freight company, is getting tight on pilots. But frankincense and myrrh aside, a pilot shortage at either of the top two companies wouldn't just disrupt the flow of good cheer. The global economy is heavily dependent on the aerial parcel delivery industry and any disruption would be felt worldwide. FedEx is downplaying the contract provision. "FedEx Express is well staffed with pilots at this time, however we're always looking toward the future," spokesman Bonny Harrison told Reuters.